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how to generate leads through video?

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Over time, audiovisual content has become one of the best ways of attracting users, so much so that this format has become a fundamental aspect of a company's marketing strategy. But did you know that video is increasingly being included in the Inbound methodology? How can video help to attract leads? Join us and discover everything that the inclusion of video in this methodology entails.

Video is part of the Inbound methodology

The Inbound methodology can also be supported by the audiovisual format. Different methods can be used to include it and boost lead generation through valuable and creative content.

Storytelling is one of the best known and most widely used by users. It is one of the most effective tools being developed in the digital world today. Through storytelling, companies can attract the attention of users quickly. Its power to attract leads is very powerful and is one of the reasons why companies use it in their brand stories. Although sometimes people tend to think that this technique only presents the business, this is not the case. There are many other alternatives in which to focus on storytelling.

Inbound is based on factors such as the production of quality content. We cannot forget the importance of creating innovative, unique and high quality content. Before starting to create a video, the first thing you should do is research what the audience demands, since, after all, it is the audience that will consume the audiovisual content. This audience also grows, evolves and changes its tastes, so it is necessary to be constantly aware of these changes. In the same way that you must research and ask, you must respond and meet the desires of users. With this, you will achieve greater loyalty.

Tips for generating leads through video

There are several ways in which you can generate more leads with video content. You just need to know a few tips on how to get them. These tips are as follows:

  1. add a CTA or "call to action" at the end of the video

CTAs are a fundamental element in the lead generation process. Calls to action must be unbeatable. Moreover, there is a great connection between CTAs and forms. Why? Because a good call to action is not conceivable without a good contact or subscription form that accompanies it after clicking on it. You need CTAs to attract the attention of users so that they click on them and you achieve your goal. It is advisable to add them at the end of the videos to encourage the user to go further, always offering valuable content in line with the content of the video.

  1. create forms

La creación de formularios se trata de una de las técnicas más utilizadas para la generación de leads. Además, los formularios deben ser simples, pues de lo contrario los usuarios no van a terminar de rellenarlo. No obstante, ese rasgo no significa que no deba ser atractivo. Necesita los campos necesarios y adaptados al recorrido del buyer persona, ya que, si no es así, la audiencia tampoco va a acabarlo y no se van a captar leads. Por ejemplo, un usuario en la etapa de descubrimiento no está preparado para aportar muchos datos, más allá de su nombre y correo electrónico. A medida que el usuario vaya sintiendo la necesidad de obtener contenido de una etapa posterior, en este caso de la etapa de consideración, admitirá el requerimiento de facilitar su número de teléfono o datos de la empresa. En definitiva, un vídeo puede convertirse en un buen lugar donde colocar un formulario, tal y como permite la funcionalidad de vídeo de HubSpot (al igual que lo hace con los CTA).

  1. create landing pages that include video

A landing page is the creation of a page whose objective is to convert visitors into leads. These visitors access your landing page through external sources that promote the page, through organic search engines or social networks. To get the most out of it, you need to take into account a few things:

  • Attach a simple form: The registration process, as well as its development should not be complex. Insert the necessary fields because the more facilities are offered, the more chances of conversion there are. Even so, it must be a careful form, both features are not incompatible.
  • A powerful title: The name of the landing page you create must have certain characteristics, for example, it must be firm, forceful and striking. However, do not forget a title that is appropriate and in line with the products or services offered by the company.
  • Carry out an "A/B test": You can try to make modifications such as, for example, altering the order of the elements that make up the landing page. You can also carry out tests that evaluate the content of the CTAs or "calls to action". But always do one test at a time to find out which specific element works better or worse. Carry out the necessary changes to keep the landing page constantly improving and achieve greater lead acquisition.
  • Add a video to the landing page or promote it through it: A video content can improve the retention of the page, as well as capture the user's attention more easily. At the same time, you can also promote a landing page through a video in social networks, articles or websites. This way, you will increase the traffic of the page you want to focus on.
  1. promote an offer in exchange for a subscription

This is a good strategy to attract the attention of users. Fashion brands, for example, use this technique a lot. On many occasions when you access the website of a brand you see an advertisement of an offer in exchange for a registration or something similar. Right? Thanks to this technique, companies get users to know you, they are interested in your products or services and, therefore, lead acquisition is greater. With the video format you can perform the same function. Instead of an ad in image format, you can bet on a video that attracts user attention. A creative and ingenious audiovisual content through which the audience is interested in the products or services offered. A video that redirects to the website of the company in question and begins the path to lead acquisition.

did you know that video in an Inbound marketing strategy can boost lead acquisition? Technology is now providing new opportunities to reach users where and when they want. Let's not waste it and continue to evolve, developing our business, always taking as a starting point the needs of our customers and audience.

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