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how to find profitable keywords for your business?

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Keywords have become a fundamental tool for the success of companies' SEO strategies. Thanks to keywords you can get a large number of users interested in your business. However, in order to obtain the most profitable keywords you first need to know which are the three types that exist.

what types of keywords are there?

  • Firstly, there are branded keywords, these keywords contain the name of the brand, in our case Occam Digital Agency, so it is easy to add them.
  • Secondly, there are the so-called "short tail" keywords, which are generic keywords around a sector. They consist of only one or very few words and generate a lot of competition because they cover such large fields. An example is "inbound marketing". However, these words attract a large number of users, which benefits the company despite the great competition that is generated.
  • Finally, there are the so-called "long tail" keywords. These are more complex search terms, as they are made up of several more specific words. An example of a long tail would be "social media marketing for video game companies". This means that there is much less competition in terms of SEO positioning.

optimización seo¿Cómo buscar palabras clave o keywords rentables para tu negocio?

After knowing the types of existing keywords, every business should also know, at least, the three essential factors to be able to choose the best keywords for their website.

factors to take into account when choosing our keywords

  • Relevance: It is important that the user can quickly find what he/she is looking for, and the keyword must be related to our brand, our services and our products.
  • Competition: This factor is fundamental to understand the importance of keywords. If you use the same keywords as other companies there will be too much competition and it can end up hurting you, so it will probably be better to try to find new keywords or keywords that are not copied very often.
  • The number of searches: Obviously, the more users search for a keyword, the more visits the website will get. There are many tools that allow you to find out the number of monthly searches for a keyword and also help you find the best keywords for your website. Research them and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Finally, having understood the types and factors that influence the world of SEO, we finally come to the crux of the matter: What steps do you need to take to find the most profitable keywords for your business? We have reduced the process to five simple steps that will significantly improve your positioning.

5 steps to find the best keywords for your website

1.Analyse the user's search intention. First of all, it is necessary to find out why the user performs a search. Knowing why and what they want to find or buy is essential to be able to provide them with what they really need.

To understand it better, a clear example is the difference that can exist between these three terms in the search: yoga, yoga classes or best yoga classes. As you can see, the objective behind each of these expressions is quite different, although at first glance it may seem insignificant. In the first case, perhaps they are only looking for general information about this discipline. In the second case, they are already trying to find out how it works and are interested in yoga classes, which tells us that they are considering joining and in which areas. Finally, in the third case, by mentioning and asking which are the best yoga classes, they confirm almost 100% that they are considering joining and want to know which are the best classes for them, taking into account factors such as proximity to their home, rates, timetables, etcetera.

As a conclusion, we can see that only changing one or two words can completely change the meaning of a search. Therefore, the key to success in this case will be to carry out Keyword Research based on the user's search intention.

2.Use SEO tools to make your keyword selection. Whether they are free or paid, these tools are useful and almost essential when searching for the best keywords. Some examples are Ubersuggest, Answerthepublic or SEMRush.

3.Research and analyse the SEO terms that Google provides you with. Surely more than once when searching on Google you have ended up reading the section "other questions from users" to find what you were looking for or similar or complementary information. This point basically boils down to that. Observing similar questions and keywords that other users have previously asked is an extraordinary idea to be able to get closer to what the new user is looking for with our own.

4.are your keywords easy to position? One factor that should never be forgotten when choosing your keywords is the difficulty of the chosen words. If you choose words that are too complicated or convoluted, it will be more difficult for a user to find them, so perhaps you should consider using others that are simpler or more accessible to the vocabulary of most people.

5.Do a Keyword Research of your competition. Doing a SEO competition study is a fantastic idea to find the best keywords for your website. This last phase is the only "paid" one and, therefore, voluntary, as the tools that analyse this type of competition are not free. By analysing around 5 or 6 companies of your competition you will quickly find out which are the best keywords to use.

¿Cómo buscar palabras clave o keywords rentables para tu negocio?

Now that you know the types, the main factors and the most important steps to get the best keywords and, consequently, a better SEO positioning, you just have to get down to work. Of course, you may have to wait some time to observe your new results.

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