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how much does it cost to set up an eCommerce business? Points to consider

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are you thinking of launching your online business? Great, you have taken the first step. But before you continue, we want to show you the most important points to take into account. You know, all those things that you can't overlook and that will mark the course of your online business. Better start building strong foundations and solving all your doubts.

how much is an eCommerce worth? It's not only a question of money, but also of time, effort and dedication, in other words, an investment in the future.

Stay, because we are about to start.

7 things to take into account when creating your eCommerce

Creating an online shop is much more than just launching a website. It requires professionalism, experience, knowledge, innovation, simplicity, efficiency, passion and effort. And they are not just anywhere, you can find them in agencies specialised in the creation and development of online businesses.

Your eCommerce has a beginning, the idea! A development, the website! And a life, its maintenance! And that has a price, but also a process where you should not forget these tips:

  • Choose the right platform.

It will be the home of your online business. If you get it wrong, you will have a thousand and one problems. And so that this does not happen to you, you should think about your goals:

  • ifyou want to try your luck with your eCommerce, then you'd better choose a platform that has good features and is not too expensive. The most popular ones are WooCommerce and Shopify.
  • are you going to create a medium-sized business? Prestashop is a good option to create a serious business without spending a lot of money. It is important to think about how much eCommerce is worth.
  • or are you going all out with a growing business? If you are sure about it, you can try Magento.

In reality, there are many options for launching your business, but you must be clear about your objectives.

  • Hosting.

Think about optimising the platform. If you have a website that takes too long to load, your customers may abandon the shopping cart. And it doesn't matter if you have the most impressive website in the world, nobody is going to wait more than three seconds to enter it. That is why it is so important to choose a good hosting. Depending on the platform, you will have to buy one hosting or another. Whoever is in charge of developing your page will hire this 'house' where your website will live. The ideal is to make the transfer with delicacy so that after all the development and care you can have your page available for all users.

  • Analyse the competition.

Physical companies often do it, why not do it in the online world as well? This will help you to know what the competition is doing, what techniques and strategies they use to reach the user, the design of their website, the defects they have... It is a list of opportunities to discover the strengths and weaknesses of your business compared to the competition.

  • Don't do the same as everyone else.

Being different is sometimes scary, but it's OK, especially if you create your own products or services. We assure you that this will multiply by 1000 your chances of attracting customers and selling. Use descriptions, photographs, audiovisual material in an original and creative way. Try to use a different template and not the one your competitors are using. Personalise it. Make them remember you.

  • Don't chase the user.

If you put all your attention on selling, consumers will feel overwhelmed. It is better to offer them educational information so that they become aware of their problem or need and start investigating the options you offer them. So, you will have to capture their attention in another way, with solid marketing strategies based on two-way communication. Besides, it will positively influence SEO positioning.

Online businesses have a long struggle for visibility. Product descriptions and categories have a lot to do with this, so we invite you to read our post about SEO positioning to find out how to improve it in your eCommerce.

  • Interact with the public.

The most important thing is not just having an image and a description of the product. If you really want to sell, you will have to listen to the opinions of your customers. It will make you get closer to them, know their characteristics, desires and expectations. Reviews increase trust, and if those of your website or products are positive, you have won a lot of ground. There is nothing like knowing your target audience to win them over.

  • Lean on a specialised team.

Development experts know that it doesn't matter how much effort you put into your business if you are not willing to communicate it. Users are not going to realise on their own what products you offer, you need to have a fantastic website that serves as a business card or audiovisual showcase. This way, you will reach any potential customer who has access to the internet.

are you worried about how to create your site? How much is an eCommerce site worth? Relax, we can help you and solve all those doubts that are haunting you.

Conclusions about how much is it worth to create an eCommerce site?

The hardest part is not creating an online business. The hardest part comes later, when you want to attract potential customers, be among the first positions in Google results and build customer loyalty. Many digital entrepreneurs make the mistake of thinking only about the cost of the service. They look for the lowest price, and when they finish their online shop, they realise that there are much more important things for the future of their business. So that this does not happen to you too, we hope that these tips have helped you.

Depending on all these points, the price of your eCommerce can vary. Ask for information and find out what would be yours!

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