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how does Instagram Business work?

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When social networks began their journey, the main idea was to bring people together. Little by little, in the midst of one conversation or another, hobbies, tastes for a certain type of product or a certain brand were added, which gave rise to a new way of interacting. This gave rise to businesses and companies that saw the opportunity to make themselves known to consumers.

what does Instagram offer and how does it work?

Instagram is a social network that has grown immeasurably. It has 500 million users in a diverse world in which you can get the latest family photo, a selfie or photos of the best-selling hamburger in a commercial establishment. To all this, you can add the brands that have found in this social network an efficient way to connect with users.

How Instagram Business works

Many companies have created a normal profile to increase the results of their marketing strategy. However, Instagram, seeing the potential of its social network, has created a platform for companies with special features where they can make themselves known and advertise. But how does Instagram Business work?

When you activate your business profile on Instagram, users who visit your profile will see a button through which they will be able to contact your business directly. What is the benefit? Increasing the possibility of you making a sale.

With Instagram businesses you can share your content on Facebook, your profile will be able to indicate the type of business you have and also show your physical address.

You can advertise and offer promotions every time you publish a post. You have a "promote" button at your disposal that resizes the image to square size. It also gives you the possibility to choose between the following options: visit, call your business or visit the website. You can also select the type of audience, the budget and the duration of the ad.

Once you have done this, the ad starts to appear, and from that moment on, your statistical measurements begin, which represent one of the greatest benefits that a business has with this new profile created by Instagram.

Data to analyse with Instagram Business

Every time you publish an ad you will be able to analyse:

1.-Impressions: the number of times your content appears to other users.

2.-Reach: the number of users who saw your post.

3.-Engagement: the number of comments and likes you have received.

In addition, you will be able to measure outstanding publications, number of clicks, demographic data of your followers, etc. The statistics provide you with information that will help you to continue growing as a company in the market.

With all these benefits, you are probably wondering:

how do I activate my company profile?

It's very simple, if you already have a normal profile just follow these steps:

1.- Go to settings.
2.- Select "Switch to business profile".
3.- Link to your Facebook Fan page.
4.- Fill in your details and that's it. Start enjoying all the benefits.

And if you don't have a profile, don't wait any longer, create it on Instagram for businesses and discover a whole world of possibilities for growth within digital marketing that your business can't miss.

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