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Elements, plots and benefits of storytelling

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Before moving on to the benefits of storytelling, you should know that it is the art of knowing how to tell a story. It is also a technique widely used in marketing that consists of connecting with users through the message you are transmitting. The objective is to connect emotionally through a story. The key is to get to know our users through an emotional connection generated through a story. It is not just telling a story. It is provoking an emotion, a sensation or feeling in the user with this story. The user must feel to not forget and storytelling is the technique that will achieve this. Today, storytelling is used in blogging, podcasts, videos, email marketing, interviews, infographics, presentations, social networks, products and courses.

Creating stories around your brand is a strategy that will make you empathise with your audience and create bonds. Every day we receive large volumes of information, advertising here, advertising there. The important thing is to stand out above the rest with a story that impacts the audience and generates a deeper bond. A story has three main elements which are the three acts. The first act is shorter and shows the time, place, setting of the story, the protagonists and there is an intrigue caused by the hook that is included at the end of the act to fuel the interest of the audience. The second act is the longest part of the story. Here the challenges of this story are presented, the knot. At the end of the second act, the challenge is presented. In the last and third act, the challenge is overcome and the situation presented has improved or evolved.

To benefit from storytelling, it is essential that you can generate a strong hook and for this it is important to consider conflict, contrast and contradiction. Conflict is the clash of forces and needs that go in opposite directions. Contrast refers to including two opposing qualities such as big and small or abundant and scarce. Finally, contradiction is the element that goes against the audience's expectations. The main objective of the hook is to get your audience interested in your story and eager to know more. Do not bore the readers with stories that only you want to hear, tell the story for your audience. Do not forget that conflict will be the engine that will move people and keep them glued to the story.

Elements ofstorytelling

  • Structure: it's the same as it has always been: your story, whatever it is, must have a beginning, a middle and an end .

  • Classic elements: Stories have a hero, a challenge, a journey, a change or a call to action .

  • Authenticity: the story will show an authentic and genuine side of the storyteller and provoke emotion in the audience .

  • Strategy: a story invites the audience to imagine, to engage with the story itself and to act. Don't forget that both your story and your emotion must be linked .

Benefits of storytelling

Storytelling helps your product or service to sell better, as it is not just an advertising campaign, but offers a story around your brand.

  • Emotional connection: Establishing an emotional relationship with your audience will make them loyal to your brand. Brands that empathise with their customers are the ones that win in the online world. Storytelling is a technique that you should include in your content strategy .

  • Trust: those brands that share the same scale of values as you, are the ones you will choose and trust. If a brand makes an effort to connect with its customers by showing what its products, services, employees and, in short, its entire company are like, this increases trust in it.

  • Easy to remember: A message that is transmitted through a story is easier to remember. If you had to choose one brand among many, you will surely remember the one that told a story that connected with you and that you remember .

  • Viral: If your story is good, it can go viral and generate a lot of reactions from your audience.

  • Values: A story conveys your brand values in a unique way .

  • Emotional involvement: Your audience becomes emotionally involved with your brand because they empathise with your story. This technique opens the door to emotions.

  • Humanise your brand: through a story you can make your audience identify with your brand. Don't be afraid to show yourself through storytelling and above all to show your essence .

Basic plots

  • The origin: you can tell the story of the founder of your company, a person, the business, the product, the service or the platform .

  • From poverty to wealth: there are thousands of these on the web. Many millionaires have become rich thanks to their work. This invites you to think that, if they made it, we have no impediments.

  • Rebirth: The idea of a second chance: Businesses transform over time and it is this rebirth of your business that you can tell through a story .

  • Defeating the monster: Fighting to survive is natural to humans, creating a villain will help your audience empathise with your brand and help you defeat it .

  • Search: They are not satisfied with what they have, they are in search of something more, something better. To grow .

Don't forget to be empathetic, as well as persuading, demonstrating and convincing when telling your story. It is also important to define the message you want to convey to your audience. When telling your story, take into account the message, the connection, the emotion and the senses. With this technique you can create emotional connections with your audience and if you manage to generate positive emotions, your story will make your business be remembered and remain in the consumer's mind. Remember that in every story there must be a main character with whom the audience can identify. Your protagonist must be solid.

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