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Discover the best websites of 2020

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Web design and digital marketing are always changing, every year new trends emerge around it. Design is a matter of taste, but it is good to know which are the most popular trends in each sector to try to use them and give a sense of "modernity" in our websites. The digital world is constantly changing, that is why we must adapt to new trends that emerge.

Everything must be measured and analysed to improve our web design and orient it more towards conversion. For this reason, being updated is something that should be part of our daily routine, as well as seeing what is happening at any given moment in our sector.

It is important to follow trends, but it is also important to use them wisely and test them before implementing them with our audience.

Web design trends 2020

Geometric shapes, off-the-wall typography and eccentric colours are some of the hottest trends in web design right now.

  • 3D everywhere: 3D shapes to give a much more striking and extensive visual of our website are a novelty and a very useful tool to attract users.

  • Simple and striking typographies: Simple typographies are always a trend in design, as they are easily readable for everyone. However, several websites have opted for much more eccentric designs without following the rules of legibility.

Even so, usability and readability should be rewarded before design and aesthetics, as they may be very attractive to us, but not to others.

  • Trend colours for 2020: What colours should I use for my marketing campaign? According to Pantone, the trend colour for 2020 is "Classic Blue", code 19-4052 TCX, which can be combined with white and greyish tones to create a minimalist, simple website with a special touch.

  • Animations, videos and photos: It is clear that today, more than ever, we need to capture the attention of our audience. Therefore, animating backgrounds, shapes, images, etc. is almost a must if we want to live up to expectations.

Other elements of your website that you should take into account when creating it are:

  • Mobile design: little by little the desktop web is going to disappear giving way to the mobile screen. It is time to adapt everything to the mobile user, to the different resolutions that we use on a daily basis while we eat, walk, etc. It is no longer enough to simply be "responsive", we must try that the visitor of the page reaches the objective in mobile making the minimum scroll possible.

  • Loading speed: The faster your content loads, the better for everyone. A fast website will not only improve the user experience, but Google will be able to crawl the content faster and will prioritise it over other websites that it has spent more time crawling.

  • One-page websites: We continue to bingo with the One-page. It seems that we will continue to see one-page websites. And not only downwards, watch out also for horizontal scrolls. Simple and clean pages are not only more attractive to the eye, but they tend to convert better, as it is easier to capture the user's attention when we are facing a more linear design than in one full of elements.

The best websites 2019-2020

  • Active Theory: The first reference of this list is dedicated to Active Theory's website. This website is dedicated to the work that this web design studio does. That's why they have put all their efforts to show their capacity and potential to the clients who want to meet them.

The use of great typographies which make this website has a design that is obvious that it has been designed by real web design professionals. It is clear that they take into account all the trends in both web and graphic design.

  • Boë Gin: The second reference in this list is dedicated to the Boë Gin website, which the web design studio Tayburn from the UK has created for the Geneva brand.

This gin is characterised by its great colour and its fantastic combinations, so it had to be present in the web design.

We have chosen this reference and it is part of this ranking as one of the best web designs of 2019 - 2020 for its indiscriminate and totally uncomplicated use of colours and shapes.

Apart from that, we find very interesting the type of format that the web presents, making use of a very modern typography: strong and with a lot of presence.

  • Digital Conference: This website has won many of the annual awards and has appeared in countless lists where the design and development of the best web pages is valued.

Its giant typefaces stand out along with a totally avant-garde menu design combined with a technological design.

  • Gruev: This site is dedicated to the creations that Vladimir Gruev, digital designer and web programmer, makes for his clients. As a good letter of introduction, he has made a spectacular website with a very modern design and a new concept of usability that shows us what he is capable of.

The menu is divided into four sections that have been strategically placed on the sides of each direction: North, South, East and West. In the centre we have a quick explanation of what we will find in each of the sections if we click on them.

As if that weren't enough, the biggest surprise comes when we click on any of the menu sections, and inside we can see how creativity comes out of the ears of this sublime piece of digital communication.

Large fonts, transitions, animations, distorting images, are some of the elements that we can highlight within these new web design trends. You can see that the web format is clearly aimed for years to the interactive user experience, a super important factor when it comes to connect with our users and create a unique experience.

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