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New web design the pieces of Growth Driven Design

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are you thinking of redesigning your website? Then this methodology is of interest to you. In these times, we walk hand in hand with technology. If you notice, hardly anyone would think of opening a business without having a presence in the online universe: website, social networks and all that you can imagine.

To survive, or rather, to exist, brands need a window to the world, a letter of introduction, a channel of information. To be where users need you. And that, my friend reader, can only be achieved in the online world, which has already become a kind of magic wand that transforms every place it touches.

First it was marketing strategies, which embraced the magic of inbound to become authentic digital projects automated and managed from a CRM, such as HubSpot. And then came the new design methodology, much more focused on user experience. In short: Growth Driven Design.

Now then... Do you know its pieces? Are you thinking of readapting your website? Stick around. We need to talk.

1, 2, 3 pieces of Growth Driven Design

We couldn't go through this methodology without mentioning the agile principles of SCRUM, the place from which the steps to achieve a design perfectly adapted to the brand and the client are born: facilitating team motivation and continuous learning, saving costs, as well as facilitating the client's control of the project and reducing any kind of risk.

This is the basis from which the GDD is born to start on its way. This process is made up of three fundamental pieces:


it is not something new, it was also necessary to follow it with traditional web design. It requires starting from an objective, and if what we are looking for is to redesign an existing website, we will have to analyse what works and what doesn't to know where we are going. In any case, the goals must be in line with the marketing objectives, always SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and coherent over time.

Bearing in mind that this is a methodology that puts the user at the centre of the strategy, there is no better way to reach them than by knowing them in depth. That is why we encourage you to have a well-defined buyer persona. Research and analyse the metrics of the website, the bounce rates, whether it is a responsive design or not, the loading time, the devices from which they visit you, etc.

It's not that we want to steal your time, what happens is that, as a result of this research, you can do wonderful things like creating value propositions for each service and, ultimately, define both the overall strategy and that of each of the pages of your website. Now you can start creating your wish list, COME ON! Think about how you would like your new website to be and forget about handicaps for a moment.


You're probably thinking that it's too soon, and you're right. With traditional design this was the last step we took, but with GDD the opposite is true. The sooner you launch, the better. And we'll tell you why: at launch, the website will not be completely finished. What happens is that it will be continuously improved and what is launched is the main platform. Now that you have it, it's time to ask yourself what you should implement, what can generate impact and what not. Start the best: copywriting, design, development, testing, website architecture, contents, etc. Do you have pen and pencil at hand? Write it down, write it down.


did you think we were done? One of the biggest mistakes that human beings make over and over again is to relax when they have already achieved what they had set out to do. And believe us, this is precisely the moment when you should move the most. With Growth Driven Design the exact same thing happens. Now that you have your website launched, it's time to work in continuous cycles of learning, experimentation, improvement, testing... Don't keep doubting anything, take all those ideas that were left in the ink and work on them, there will be time to eliminate them if they don't work.

When it comes to design, the results have the last word.

what's the bottom line on the new web design?

If you're ready to discover what the new web design universe is all about, let us tell you that these pieces are built up in a three-phase process. And the last phase, continuous improvement, consists of planning, developing, learning and passing on the impact. In the end, Growth Driven Design is a methodology that never ends, the cycle always starts again to make sure your website gets better and better results. Occam can be your team to get you out of doubt.

So, what, you dare to try it?


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