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Design a mobile-optimised website

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Some time ago, Google warned us through an announcement that websites that were not responsive would see their ranking in search results affected. This means for all businesses with a presence in the digital world that if their website has not been created to work and be displayed correctly on different mobile devices (phones and tablets), they will see their search results suffer: the number of visits will decrease and, therefore, also their conversion rate.

Most consumers do their searches on their smartphones and take a look at the products and services offered by companies through their websites. Your website is the main showcase, but what if they access a page that takes too long to load, presents your products in a messy way and has a confusing design? Users will abandon it and look for an alternative.

If you don't know where to start, join us in this post and learn how to optimise your website or web app.

how to have an optimised website?

The importance of optimised websites not only has to do with search engine positioning, but also with the experience of the users who enter it. If a visitor does not feel comfortable with the navigation, nor does it feel pleasant, they may decide not to return. That is why we are going to tell you what steps are necessary for the design of your website to be optimised and responsive:

  • First of all, think about whether this is a task that you or your team can carry out, or if you are going to need the help of external professionals. Perhaps the best thing to do is to request a consultation and ask for information to resolve all your doubts.
  • Keepusability in mind, i.e. it is important to have a clear menu and some fundamental elements: telephone and contact address. All the content you publish on your website should be clear and simple, making it easy for the user to navigate. In the end, it will be key for their experience to be unique, to remember your website and to return.
  • Loading time: Entering a web page that takes too long to load is desperate for the user, so they often end up leaving the page. We are all looking for immediacy, so it is important that you take care of the images and do not produce time delays on the page.
  • Think about accessibility. Having your website optimised for mobile devices (responsive design) is essential nowadays, as most users carry out their searches from mobile phones and tablets. If your website works in all browsers, you will have taken a very important step in optimisation.
  • Indexing: When Google's robot accesses a web page, the next step is to index it. The pages will be included in an index ordered according to content, authority and relevance to make it much easier and faster to access them. To check if Google has indexed your website correctly, the first thing to do is to do a search with the command 'site'. Google will give you the approximate number of pages of your website that you have indexed.
  • Duplicate content: When several URLs have the same content, we are talking about duplicate content, a very common problem among companies that can damage the positioning of the page. Often, this duplicate content is produced by the canonicalisation of the page, the pagination or the parameters in the URL. The content is the most important part of a website and must be relevant, as well as being optimised at SEO level. Think that no matter how optimised your page is, if the content does not provide value to users, it will never appear in the top positions of the ranking.
  • Use meta tags, which are responsible for transmitting information to search engines about the subject of the page when they have to sort and display results. Meta tags should be in the <head> </head> section of the code and each page should have a unique title.

Now that you are clear on how to make a page optimised both in terms of design and SEO content, you will have realised that this exercise requires knowledge and time - ask for information and find out how to do it!

Make responsive design a part of your life

It is a technique that allows us that when our web page is loaded or opened on a device whose screen is of any size, the page adapts to that screen. For example, if we access any web page on the internet, we will see that if we resize the window, the distribution of the elements changes size and shape, as well as the styles, which facilitates the user's navigation.

This means that it is a web design optimised for mobile devices and, therefore, it will improve the user experience, avoid duplication of content, reduce development and maintenance costs, improve visibility in search engines and web analytics, among many other things. Many companies opt for the creation of web apps or web applications.

have you already optimised yours?

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