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Automate your processes with a back office

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Digital transformation is requiring companies to organise multi-departmental work teams with a specific business objective. But what are the main technological needs in companies today?

Bearing in mind that the digital transformation process must be born inside companies and extend outwards, let's start with the back office. This private access website, or login, allows us to manage our applications from any device and anywhere. Wherever you are, you can use it to change images, view statistics, register new customers, send push notifications, among many other things.

In short... The back office is a fundamental part of the management of any business with which you can control any company in a much more versatile way. At Occam, we help you to develop and automate your own.

you need us, we're here.

Occam, your back office service provider

We help companies streamline their internal processes, without the need for language skills to manage their business database. We can replace it with a graphical interface that gives access to any part of the database.

Back office development is here to stay and includes all operations that are not directly related to customers. They may not generate revenue directly, but they are a vital part of running a business. Think for a moment about all the internal processes you do on a daily basis and how they influence business activity:

  • - Accounting.
    - Reserves.
    - Suppliers.
    - Invoices.
    - Incident management.
    - Preparation of payments.
    - Etc.

The services provided by a back office are very broad and range from invoicing, administrative tasks related to HR, to order management, digitalisation and management of electronic documentation. At Occam we help you to outsource your services so that you can dedicate yourself fully to your business. We will take care of automating the rest of your tasks.

how much time do you spend reviewing invoices, managing orders or doing HR tasks? Save time and money by automating your back office.

do you need to automate tasks? Back office case study

Imagine you are the owner of a health and beauty clinic or any other business. You are in charge of managing most of the business, but you have a problem: you don't have time to manage the back office. There are too many tasks that involve time, effort and money. If this is your case, or you find yourself in a similar situation, you will know how difficult it is to manage the internal and external processes of your business. So, we advise you to have this information at hand.

At Occam we manage your company's back office, so you can focus on your core business and improve your business results. The process is simple, here's how it works:

  • - You tell us what you want to delegate: Tax? HR? Accounting? Administration? Order management? Whatever.

    - And we take care of everything, with flexible, proactive and professional solutions fully adapted to your business.

The advantages you will obtain will be endless: it facilitates collaborative work, speeds up tasks, increases the speed with which processes are managed, customer satisfaction, allows you to focus on other tasks, reduces the effort and time invested in routine activities, etc. In short, the back office is a kind of administration panel that can be accessed through a username and password.

Our developers have extensive experience to take your business where you want it to go.

Outsource back office, why?

The term back office has been built up over time from the concept of 'front office', i.e. the part of the business that has direct contact with the customer, e.g. customer service, distribution and sales departments.

The back office tasks that we mentioned throughout this post, however, do not necessarily have to be carried out directly by the company itself, but can be carried out by other companies through subcontracting or outsourcing. When this process is carried out, the usual tasks are the following:

    1. Digitisation, management and indexing of electronic documentation, i.e. all physical documents become part of the digital environment.
  1. Documentary processing and custody to protect the information and check that the documents are authentic.
  1. Verification of data through the control of the information provided by the client.
  2. Processing of your invoicing and management of accounts receivable. Unpaid invoices are monitored.
  3. Supervision of compliance with the corresponding regulations, such as FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act), which since 2013 requires tax compliance of foreign accounts.

With Occam, you will be able to minimise and optimise time when managing the areas of your company, reduce administrative costs significantly, improve response times and, therefore, also the user experience.

We are a company based in Madrid and we have extensive experience in management, development and processing of back office. And if you need it later, we can make the leap to an application. Our team is highly qualified and prepared to address any problem in your business and eliminate any obsolete process you have. You can adopt our services, regardless of your size or industry.

prioritise your activities, be more flexible as you grow and start integrating technology into your business! We will be happy to help you.

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