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How to achieve a greater emotional connection with your customers

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OK, Valentine's Day is over, but we still want to talk about feelings and emotions.

what are you doing to make your target group fall in love with you, and are you thinking of strengthening the bond with your clients?

Everything we feel depends on the connections that our brain establishes with our endocrine glands. And although it may sound Chinese, it is part of the emotions that arise as a consequence of the experiences we live. You know the power they have.

if you want to make your users fall in love, come with us and give them a bouquet of attention.

what is emotional marketing for you?

Society is still full of doubts, but little by little it is being nourished by experiences with emotional marketing, branded content, storytelling and, above all, emotions. Although we will tell you more about them, we want you to be aware of the power that emotions have in all of them.

We warn you that we are going to get a bit sappy, we don't know how to talk about emotions without getting cute and cuddly, so let's talk about emotional marketing.

what is it for you? In order to talk about emotional marketing, it is important to know what emotions are. We always say that for us they are the engine that moves us, and that sadness, surprise, disgust and joy drive us to act in a certain way.

what do emotions smell like?

We are made of stories, and from the moment we use them to sell, they become marketing. Each and every one of us is the result of what we have lived through, an intense sum of feelings and emotions that accompany us from birth to death.

Storytelling is not something new, it comes from cavemen times. Companies have realised that communication through stories has a great power in the face of users and serves to show the value of their products, services and brand. In the end, what we are looking for is the emotional connection, that unbeatable chemistry. So if you are thinking of hooking your customers with the story of your brand, what is stopping you?

What storytelling does is nothing more than linking emotions between the brand and the user.

Marketing has been 'I have a product, I promote it and I sell it', but we have to understand that in the end, for a product to make the public fall in love with it, it has to cover their needs. Without that, there is nothing. As a brand, you have to ask yourself what needs you have to cover.

what path are you going to follow to make them fall in love with you?

Emotional video marketing between the brand and the user

Companies are looking for the closest way to address their customers to get to the bottom of their hearts. They are no longer interested in their qualities as a customer but as a person. Nobody likes to go unnoticed in front of someone who interests them. Brands don't either, and that is why more and more professionals are joining the use of video marketing.

This tool has managed to awaken the emotions and feelings of users beyond texts, because if a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how much a video is worth. Its advantages are enormous, and it is enough to press a button to connect emotionally with users.

are you also thinking about giving emotional meaning to your campaigns?

Give your communications the value and depth they deserve, reach the customer's heart, hook them and make them not let go. Contacting them is not easy, but video can help you create the emotional bond you are looking for.

pon un vídeo corporativo en tu vida

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