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4 things only video experts take into account

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Everything you've been told about video in business has some truth to it, but we advise you to dispense with the myths about it being expensive and complex. Less BLA, BLA, BLA, BLA, and more FLOW.

Brand failures function as a collective disaster in which we show the horror of our decision-making. Making mistakes is always part of growing up, but let's face it: who likes to feel like they've made a mistake?

We're telling you this because, over the last few years, many companies have decided to join the video marketing phenomenon without having much idea of the things they should be considering or the aspects they should be making the most of. As a result, their results have been diluted halfway through.

We don't want this to happen to you, dear reader, we're getting to know each other and we've grown fond of you, so we're going to tell you some important things that only video experts take into account when creating videos.

pay attention!

Whatcorporate videoexperts know

There are many people who specialise in the audiovisual field, but there are a couple of things that make the difference between the real experts and the preachers of the profession:

  1. Time is the main ally of any life and project. Corporate videos should have an optimal length, neither too long nor too short, depending on the final objective, although the minimum is set at around 40 seconds.
  2. Creative and original. Although they seem two logical concepts, not all video professionals reach the expected level of creativity and originality. Only true experts manage to provoke changes in emotions and obtain something unique and different. Your video is not just another product.
  3. Segmentation: Think about who is going to watch your video, the people you are targeting. Specialists will take this into account in order to focus on a specific target and generate trust and credibility in them.
  4. Quality: Everyone looks for quality in their actions, but very few are capable of achieving it, of translating what they imagine into what they see. Lighting, shots and sound are factors that determine the quality of a video.

The more professional your videos are, the better. Consumers will be eternally grateful. Images, text and sound are three different realities that, when combined, generate an explosive effect.

Videos improve brands' SEO

There is no doubt that nowadays they are the most shared content on social networks. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are the main scenarios for these formats, which benefits the SEO positioning of brands. Videos are becoming increasingly essential in the digital strategy of companies.

Video SEO has multiple advantages for companies, precisely because it attracts the attention of their potential audience and helps to differentiate themselves from the competition.

Quick conclusions from everything we've told you about video

Video marketing is an effective technique for companies for several reasons, mainly because it is a tool capable of positioning brands as experts in a field, improving their recall in the memory of users, their instant visibility, and because it allows them to reach a wider audience. Only true experts are able to translate ideas into reality, and to arouse interest and emotion in the public.

Companies and users are two parties destined to meet, but none of this would be possible without creating a path between them, a sort of red thread that, sooner or later, will bring them together.

would you like to create corporate videos for your business? Do you already know what to do to get the most out of them? What are you waiting for?

pon un vídeo corporativo en tu vida

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