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why use TikTok for my digital marketing strategy?

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TikTok is a platform that is growing at lightning speed and is adding thousands of users every day. It's not just for teenagers anymore! This platform is revolutionising social media and is increasingly taking time away from other platforms and attracting more people to consume it. This means that on TikTok there are thousands of potential customers for your business, you just have to go out and find them. But how are you going to find them if you are not active on the platform?

how does TikTok work?

El funcionamiento de esta plataforma es realmente sencillo, como cualquier otra red social. Consiste en subir vídeos, normalmente de 15 segundos de duración pero recientemente ha añadido la opción de alargarlos hasta a 3 minutos de duración. Los vídeos que suelen triunfar y que son más populares entre los usuarios son los musicales y los humorísticos, así como las tendencias del momento, las cuales puedes observar sin necesidad de seguir a nadie. Una de las grandes ventajas de TikTok es que puedes aparecer en la página principal de cualquier usuario sin necesidad de que este te siga, ya que la aplicación enseña los vídeos según su algoritmo. Añadiendo la posibilidad de que sigan a tu empresa o que te encuentren en base a tus hashtags. Además, es una plataforma con un contenido distinto a las demás, menos seria y más dinámica, las posibilidades a la hora de crear contenido son infinitas y las tendencias te ayudarán a estar a la moda dentro de la plataforma, conectando de una manera diferent

Another of the tools that TikTok has is the possibility of broadcasting live, as well as on Youtube or Instagram. The novelty that TikTok adds to the dynamics of the live broadcast is that, apart from the typical chat with which to interact with users, they can also send virtual gifts to the creator of the account, which are converted into diamonds within the profile and can later be transformed into real money.


As for the users that exist within the platform, it is true that a large percentage, about 60%, corresponds to young people between 13 and 24 years. So for those companies that want to target a young audience, TikTok is definitely their platform. But this does not mean that if your business is focused on another type of audience will not find profitability by focusing its marketing strategy on TikTok, there is still more than 40% of users older than that age range, not to mention that new users entering TikTok every day do not stop growing, and as its use extends at such a great speed, also extends the number of potential customers who are added every day to this social network. You just have to go out in search of them.

Advantages of TikTok for your online business, in numbers!

  1. It is available in 154 countries and in 39 different languages.
  2. It was in the years of 2018 and 2019 the most downloaded app on Iphone. Regarding Android we can say that 90% of the phones have the TikTok app installed.
  3. More than one million visits per day by users.
  4. More than half of the users of this application use it daily, exactly 52.1%

But these are not all the advantages that the application enjoys, in this list we tell you more.

7 benefits of using TikTok in my digital marketing strategy

  1. Business account

You can open your account as a business account and not as just another user, this will help you to find customers as it brings veracity to your business, in addition, you can include in your biography a direct link to your website, which will increase traffic and optimise your SEO strategy, thus improving your search engine rankings. These are all advantages for your online strategy!

2. Advertising (TikTok Ads)

One of the new features of the platform compared to its beginnings is that advertising campaigns are now allowed, with which you can get the most out of your TikTok account as a company, since with direct links to your website from advertising, potential customers are just one click away from becoming real customers.

3. Influencers

In the world of TikTok, as on instagram, there are many well-known faces within the platform who were born there and have millions of followers, these have great influence on the platform, as by collaborating with them in advertising campaigns, not only will you get their followers to know you, but the big accounts are more likely to appear to any user on the homepage, without the need for them to follow them.

And not only will you find public figures born on tiktok to collaborate with your brand, more and more celebrities and well-known faces on other social networks or in other areas are joining tiktok to upload videos for fun and end up giving them a plus in their career.

4. Content

The content you post on this social network is different from the content you could post on any other platform, this platform helps you to be innovative and create more original content than, for example, you create for a platform like Youtube or Instagram. If you run out of ideas for your content, the trends and challenges of the application will give you the necessary ideas so you never stop creating. Being consistent within this application is very important, because the more videos you upload, the more chances you have to reach your ideal customer. Creating a lot of content on this platform looks different than when you do it on other platforms, here the brand image you reflect is that of a constant, dynamic and close, in other networks you can be boring and even heavy if you post too much.

5. Hashtags

Hashtags help videos to reach their target audience, they are a basic tool to grow within the platform, if you make a challenge and add the corresponding hashtag, you will reach more users. On the other hand, one of the best strategies you can follow within TikTok is to create your own company hashtag, so if users want to find your videos but cannot find your profile, with a single hashtag they can find you. If, for example, your company sells clothes, if a user has bought a garment and wants to recommend it because they feel satisfied, they will use your hashtag and users who do not know you will easily find your account.

6. Comedy

In TikTok, comedy always triumphs and will not detract from your company's credibility. Using any choreography that is currently in fashion, you can create a challenge by adding text and, for example, you can tell the advantages of hiring your services in an innovative and original way.

7. Interact

On TikTok interaction is very simple, commenting or liking a video is much more common among users than on other platforms, as the design greatly facilitates interaction, therefore you, as a company, must also interact with them and create a feedback that gets your followers to see you with a better brand image.

For this and much more, betting on the TikTok platform for your digital marketing strategy is a sure hit, taking into account that it is the platform with more new users every day and continues to be one of the most downloaded. Don't think twice and join TikTok to optimise your digital marketing strategy.

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