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why outsource back office services?

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We are in a transition process in which companies need to join the digital transformation. They begin to feel the need as their tools become obsolete. They feel the call of digital alignment with internal processes, they seek interoperability between systems and organisations, they need a productive development of people and their skills... Companies are living the change, and today we are going to tell you why you should outsource the back office service.

10 reasons why you should outsource your back office service

is there digital transformation if the company's back office is not changed? The answer is NO, because digital transformation is the integration of technology in all areas of the company changing the way in which value is provided to customers in a meaningful way. It is a cultural change that requires taking risks and implies:

  1. Reduced operational and transactional costs. Many companies welcome automation to eliminate unnecessary effort on a daily basis.
  2. Improved operational efficiency: Process optimisation is guaranteed to solve any type of problem or request from employees and customers.
  3. Standardisation of the entire organisation, creating a common way of working and service model.
  4. Greater flexibility to grow as a business. Businesses are moving fast, but with a well-structured outsourced back office, your business can gain the flexibility it needs to grow.
  5. Improved user and employee experience- modern capabilities are provided, and instant access to services and information is enabled.
  6. Improved communication channels- email, chatbots, telephone, etc.
  7. Improved return on investment.
  8. Increased visibility on performance, providing a global and real visualisation of the performance and activities taking place in the company.
  9. Increased collaboration and teamwork is encouraged.
  10. Priority is given to core activities. There is no longer a need to invest more time and resources than necessary for administrative tasks. By outsourcing the back office, companies can focus on the most important activities.

We live in an increasingly competitive market where improving processes within the company, while saving costs, can only be achieved through specialised services whose focus is to help with back office tasks.

The influence of the back office on user experience

Although the back office is hidden from the customer's eyes, it includes all the support services needed to create the core service. In other words, it is critical to the operation of the company. When considering back office transformation, we have two options: to take the services in-house or to outsource them. Which do you choose?

Companies are facing a wide range of challenges, including the rapid digitalisation of customer relations and the entry of new competitors in the sector. In this context, it seems that the best strategy is to improve the user experience through the transformation of the back office. Because, although it does not focus on the customer as such, its tasks have an impact on productivity, on the operation of the company and on the quality of the products and services it offers.

One of the biggest problems when it comes to offering a unique customer experience is the difficulties encountered by the back office and the front office because they are different in nature. Omni-channeling can be a great competitive advantage.

what tasks does the back office include?

In order to outsource the back office, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the tasks that would be handled.

A clear example of this is the administrative services generated in the commercial activity, documentation on the company's tax obligations, invoices, collection management, accounting, organisation of the tasks to be performed, control, communication channels, human resources (recruitment and selection of personnel, training and professional development, payroll management, social security, contracts, processing of sanctions, time control, dismissals, labour relations, etc.), accounting (balance of income and expenses in the ledger, records, systems, financial budgets, analysis, financial status reports, etc.), finance (budget control, management of available resources, contracting sources of financing, preparation of financial plans, etc.), logistics (orders, delivery notes, invoices, insurance, policies, suppliers, etc.), logistics (orders, delivery notes, invoices, insurance, policies, suppliers, etc.).

Other back office tasks that are likely to be outsourced are: digitalisation, as companies not only need to have time and staff, but also a specialised team; ticket management, due to the time and effort required for their accounting and management; supplier invoices, whose administrative tasks related to their payments, invoices, etc., are constantly growing; document fraud prevention and document custody, which involves validating the documents presented when applying for a loan, among other things. In short, there are many tasks that companies can outsource in order to focus 100% on their activities.

Imagine you are a dental clinic and you need to transform your back office. A good step would be to start with the development of medical software for clinic management.

All this can be done in an optimal and reliable way. Focus on core-business and don't waste any more time. Do you need help? Call us without obligation.

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