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why create a buyer persona for your company?

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The key for any company that wants to succeed is to have a well-developed marketing strategy. Marketing has to revolve around the customer. Does anyone know of a company that is sustained without them? Therefore, our strategy will be developed around our audience. Every well-defined audience requires the creation of a buyer persona.

what are buyer personas?

Buyer personas are representations of your ideal customer, indicating, among many other things, the objectives, behaviours and decision-making processes of your potential buyers.

Marketing is evolving by leaps and bounds. In particular, inbound marketing gives us the possibility to guide all our efforts towards segmented and well-defined consumer profiles. It is about finding patterns in consumer behaviour, as well as identifying sales opportunities and their more specific interests. Each consumer profile that is ideal for our company is known as a buyer persona.

Importance of creating buyer personas

There are many companies today that do not take a moment to develop their ideal customer. In doing so, they miss out on the opportunity to more effectively shape their marketing strategy, insisting that they already know their audience and stunting their growth. While most companies think they have an idea of what their potential customers are like, they make a multitude of mistakes and errors in targeting them.

Buyer personas help companies in an infinite number of daily tasks. Here are some of the reasons why buyer personas are more important than ever:

  • They guide your sales and marketing strategies

Many companies encounter different problems when trying to understand the new ways consumers buy. At the same time, they also put all their efforts in trying to understand why all the changes in consumer behaviour. Buyer personas enlighten you on how buyers are, the situations they face regarding their location, how they have changed over time and the goals they want to achieve in the future. Knowing that, you can meet all the needs of your potential customers.

  • They help to develop a common language for each sector

Each type of company, depending on the sector in which they sell or offer their products, tends to use a different language. Buyer personas help to understand that form of communication and to create the focus of each marketing campaign oriented to the different sectors you want to target for better positioning. Understand the needs and problems of the different sectors to develop a customised method for each of them.

  • Informs on market strategies

Consumer behaviour changes so fast that sometimes we do not have time to answer all their questions or solve all the problems that arise. Buyer personas help us to adapt to the evolution of the market, anticipating what each of them needs at all times.

  • They multiply benefits and minimise efforts

Companies that create buyer personas have a much better reputation than their competitors. Why? They simply take the time to understand each customer in a unique and personalised way. They carry out an in-depth analysis of their buyers to treat them in the best possible way. In turn, buyer personas also guide us in writing content or creating landing pages due to the segmentation we carry out by creating buyer personas. They provide us with information on how to address them. You may have asked yourself: Do I write as you or as you? Am I more technical or more practical? Should I call them on the phone or should I write them an email? All these questions are answered at the moment our buyer persona is created.

The globalisation of the business world, along with technological advances, has made the marketing world a much more complex place.

buyer personas help us to break down the complexity that has developed in this new era into small parts

Buyer personas give us the ability to understand the audience, which has been missing for a long time, and they allow us to make better decisions when choosing how to develop our company's inbound marketing.

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