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The meaning of colours in marketing

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Within marketing there are a large number of factors that end up determining it, from content to aesthetics, all these factors are important and influence the audience, their way of perceiving an advertisement or publicity changes, and colour within marketing is one of the most influential factors that we often do not take into account.

Colours in a marketing strategy influence much more than we think, we must have everything well planned when choosing some colours or others within our strategy, since the first impression that consumers will have is the most important, and to achieve this we must analyse each of the colours well in order to know what we are transmitting in our message.

why is colour important in marketing?

If you are still not convinced of the importance of colour in your marketing strategy, keep reading this post because you will be surprised, according to the Institute for Color Research, consumers take less than 90 seconds to form an opinion of a product, on the other hand, between 62% and 90% of users rely solely on colour to forge this opinion. This is done unconsciously by users, cognitively we associate them with certain emotions, which is precisely what we are going to discuss in this post.

Continuing with the data, colour can have the following effects on users:

  • The colour we decide to use for our brand is what will increase brand recognition by 80%, for example: we associate red with McDonald's or green with Starbucks.
  • The reading time increases by 40% depending on the colour.
  • Ads that are made in colour are read by users 42% more than ads in black and white.
  • Colour ads are understood 73% better.
  • 85% of consumers say that one of the main reasons why they choose one product over another is the colour of the product.
  • When making a purchase, 93% of consumers look at the colour and choose to buy it over texture or smell.

Meaning of colours

Colours are everywhere, in our daily life and in our everyday life they create a great emotional effect on us. Within marketing, the visual is much more important than the other senses. From the brand's point of view, colours will provide us with a visual identity for our customers, and choosing this colour is important because we will be addressing a specific type of public or another.

Colours in marketing can have a powerful effect on the behaviour of consumers, who make unconscious judgements determined by the colour that plays with that initial impression. Thanks to this, the brands themselves influence consumers, generating emotional impulses in them that push them to buy their products.

There is no clear guideline to choose which colours you should choose for your brand, the important thing is to look at the image you want to create. You should analyse the different colours and once you have done so, you should know which colour is the right one for your brand. Think that the colour is going to define the personality of your brand and the first impression people have of it.

  1. Red
    This is a very attractive colour for marketing, it fixes the public's attention on it and creates a sense of urgency, so it is perfect for clearance sales and fast food restaurants. Red stimulates the body by raising blood pressure and heart rate as the colour red is associated with emotion and passion.

  2. Orange
    This colour is less aggressive than red, it transmits energy, enthusiasm and attraction, it has the energy of red on the one hand and the happiness of yellow on the other. It also stimulates creativity and encourages young people to buy because it signifies adventure and sociability. Back to psychology, orange makes an expensive product seem more affordable.

  3. Yellow
    As we said before, yellow transmits energy and happiness, it is a colour full of intelligence, which attracts a young public full of creativity and enthusiasm. It is also a very casual colour, it is not recommended for luxury brands. That is why it is very good for businesses linked to children, but be careful and do not abuse it too much because then it will have an unsettling and exhausting effect.

  4. Green
    This colour is associated with health, tranquillity and nature, which gives consumers a sense of peace and security. It is a soft colour, which is why it is often used in hospitals and medical products. At a corporate level, it is also used by brands that are usually seen as ecological, natural or sustainable, for example Greenpeace. On the other hand, Starbucks uses this green colour to promote a sense of tranquillity among its customers while having a coffee.

  5. Blue
    This colour transmits peace, stability and confidence, as it gives a sense of security, it curbs appetite and stimulates productivity. Using blue in your brand image will make users want to entrust their money to your brand. It is a cold colour, so it is linked to intelligence and conscience, hence the confidence in it. On the other hand, it is also the colour of communication, hence the most used colour in the logos of social networks is blue. It is also closely associated with men.

  6. Violet
    This colour conveys power, nobility and luxury. As it is extravagant, it awakens the sensation of wealth. It is associated with women, which is why it can be seen in various beauty and anti-ageing products. It can also evoke romantic or nostalgic feelings.

  7. Pink
    This colour is closely related to women, the feminine world and conveys innocence, childhood and romanticism. It can be linked to products related to women, and in its lighter shades, to childhood.

  8. White
    White represents purity, tranquillity, innocence, so it has a positive connotation, but we must be very careful because in the East it means death and mourning. From marketing we can associate white with cleanliness, hygiene and freshness. It is also used in celebrations and in the health sector. Another way to use it is if you want to give a minimalist image of your company.

  9. Black
    This colour is the opposite of white, it is the absence of light, it represents darkness and emptiness, it also transmits feelings such as fear or mystery. Within marketing this colour is associated with elegance and sophistication so it is related to luxury or high quality products. It transmits authority, power and confidence.

After this, you now know the meaning of each colour in marketing and you can decide which one is more suitable for your brand and your business. Which colour do you choose?

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