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Which marketing strategy to follow depending on the target type

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All companies seek to achieve similar objectives, i.e. to create brand visibility, obtain leads, and, of course, achieve a lot of sales. But for each objective, there must be a marketing strategy that is appropriate for the situation. Today we tell you about some of them to implement in your business.

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  • Take care of your content. Although this may seem very obvious, it is more common than we think not to take care of the content. First, remember to choose visual content that is really attractive and that attracts attention. And, secondly, carefully write the text and take into account grammar and spelling.
  • Post when your audience is online. In order to reach as many people as possible, it is interesting to post content when your audience is active. On Facebook, for example, the same statistics already tell you about the busiest times.
  • Include CTAs in your posts. A CTA or call to action is a button or text placed on your website or blog that encourages potential customers to perform a specific action, for example, a button with the text "subscribe now" or "sign up now!
  • Include questions in your content. If you want users to respond and interact with your brand, start asking questions. This encourages interaction within your community.

Qué estrategia de marketing seguir dependiendo del tipo de objetivo

The best strategies to get leads

  1. Include a subscription form in your blog. If people come to your blog and read your articles, it is because they are interested in the content you publish. This is a big step and you can use these contacts to send them an offer or a free trial of the product or service you sell. Remember that a simple form is the best way to generate leads. If a person is interested in receiving a weekly newsletter with your latest news, but they have to give you their ID number, forget about them!
  2. Create landing pages that convert. A landing page is created for a specific purpose, whether it is a free subscription to a product, an ebook download or a special welcome discount, and it is much easier to keep the user's attention and get them to leave their email address.
  3. Use advertising to generate leads. If we are talking about the best strategies to generate leads, we cannot forget about Google Ads. Investing in ads will help you to get qualified leads for your business. It is best to create specific landings for a set of ads to capture the contact information of those who visit you. Realise that investing in Google Ads will help you to be placed in the top positions in the results pages, so the traffic to your website and the chances of conversion will multiply in a very short time.
  4. Use podcasts: A good podcast can help you attract new audiences to your website. A good podcast plugin for WordPress will allow you to create and upload content to your website, but also add a form to keep your listeners up to date with all the episodes you broadcast. And remember, all the registrations you get are quality leads.

Qué estrategia de marketing seguir dependiendo del tipo de objetivo

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  • analyse the market. Before designing a sales process, you need to know the market. You need to know who your main competitors are, what their tactics are for attracting and retaining customers and what pricing strategies they apply. The goal is not to copy what the competition is doing, but to find neglected niches and innovate in order to differentiate yourself.
  • Get to know your target audience well. Don't limit yourself to their socio-demographic profile, go deeper into their needs, tastes, interests, buying habits, family situation and lifestyle. The more information you gather, the better you can segment to design personalised offers that will help you increase sales.
  • Prepare a marketing calendar: Throughout the year there are some dates that represent an important opportunity to increase sales. Christmas, Mother's or Father's Day, Black Friday, Easter or Valentine's Day are some of the most important dates when consumers tend to spend more, so you should plan your sales strategy in advance to promote the products or services that are most in demand.
  • Make the buying process easy: Whether you sell products online, directly to the public or to other companies, if the buying process is complex and the customer encounters difficulties along the way, they are likely to give up and end up buying from your competitors.
  • Optimise customer service. If a customer is satisfied, they are more likely to buy again and may recommend your products or services to people in their immediate environment, helping you to increase sales.

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