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What is ASO positioning and how to rank my apps

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ASO positioning (App Store Optimisation) is to apps what SEO is to websites. As its name suggests, ASO, or App Store Optimisation, is defined as the process of optimising an app whose main objective is to ensure that it appears among the first results when users search in app shops. The greater the visibility of a mobile app in app stores, the more likely it is to be found by users and, therefore, the more likely it is to be downloaded or sold.

Qué es el posicionamiento ASO y cómo posicionar mis apps

5 On-Site factors to take into account to position your apps correctly

The more installs your app has, the better positioned it will be. What is not good is that the uninstallation rate is high. It is an indicator that the product, in this case the app, is not as ideal as it should be. Therefore, it is important that you are clear about a few points:

  1. App name: The name of an app should contain the main keywords by which we want to be found and, in addition, be quite striking.
  2. A correct and useful description: The first thing is that the description of an app must include keywords. In addition, the limit is 4000 characters and the text must be brief and ordered. Likewise, it must always explain the subject or its utilities.
  3. Developer's name: It is recommended that the name of the developer includes keywords and the seniority of the developer is also a very important factor as they have more strength to be able to rank.
  4. Icon: The icon does not directly affect the ASO, however, it is essential to attract the attention of users as it is usually the first thing they notice.
  5. Screenshots: As with the icon, the screenshots chosen for an app's page may not make it rank better, but a good selection of screenshots will make users want to install it.

5 Off-Site factors to keep in mind when positioning your apps

  1. The popularity of the app: This factor directly influences the success of an ASO strategy, as the higher the number of downloads, the better position an app will have in a shop.
  2. CTR (click through rate): A high click through rate (percentage of clicks between the number of impressions) has a positive influence on ASO. For clicks to translate into downloads, a good option may be to offer the app for free to increase the number of downloads, even if there are in-app purchases, and thus boost positioning.
  3. Reviews and ratings: Positive reviews directly affect the ASO of an app as they are important for the algorithms and generate trust in users, motivating them to download and try an app.
  4. Social networks: Wherever the traffic comes from, it helps to improve positioning, so it is a factor that should not be neglected. Some social networks have specific advertising formats to promote applications and it may be interesting to explore them to get more downloads.
  5. Landing page: The landing page or landing page should have the mission of publicising the existence of the app and explaining the functionalities it offers in terms of benefits, so that users know how having the app can improve their lives is a decisive factor in whether or not they decide to download it to their phones.

Qué es el posicionamiento ASO y cómo posicionar mis apps

what are the benefits of an ASO strategy?

  • Increased visibility: the better you implement your ASO strategy, the more visibility you will get and, therefore, the greater your chances of getting users to download your app.
  • Collect user data: this allows you to improve customer needs and successfully meet them.
  • Build customer loyalty: providing greater engagement, visibility, downloads and installs on the mobile app.
  • Organic downloads: an organic download is one generated directly from the app shops, without any external influence (Social Ads, Search Ads, Mobile Ads, etc.).
  • Increase your revenue: usually, the most common way to generate revenue with apps is through PPC, i.e. click-through advertising. The more visibility you get, the higher your chances of getting clicks.
  • Less competition: it is a relatively new market and competition is still low, with far fewer apps developing ASO positioning than, for example, SEO positioning on web search engines.
  • Low investment: carrying out an ASO positioning strategy is based on following a series of steps that do not require much cost or investment. We will have to pay for some tools, as in SEO positioning, but this type of strategy is undoubtedly within everyone's reach.

As you have seen, using a good ASO strategy is necessary to improve the positioning of your apps, and few companies still take it into account in their app marketing strategies, so you will differentiate yourself from the competition.

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