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what does a marketing department organisation chart look like?

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One of the key factors for a customer to choose your brand is the image you project. This image is created on the basis of a carefully planned strategy that serves to create differential value and is established by the marketing department.

Moreand more companies are becoming aware of the importance of brand image development and are investing in building a good marketing team. However, to achieve your objectives you need your team to be correctly structured. If you want to know how the organisation chart of the marketing area should be to apply it to your company, keep reading this post.

what are the functions of the Marketing area?

The tasks carried out by the Marketing area reflect its importance within any organisation, since it is in charge of promoting the brand and projecting a positive image of it .

We could say that the marketing department is the visible face of any brand, as it manages communications and the publication of content that is projected to present and future customers.

The functions performed by the Marketing area in a company are as follows:

  1. market research and competitor analysis

Before starting any strategy, it is essential that the marketing department investigates the functioning of the market in which your brand operates, using what is known as market research.

A market study is an action carried out by companies in order to find out the commercial viability of a specific economic activity, both externally (analysing the market in which our company competes) and internally (studying how the brand itself works and establishing its weaknesses and strengths).

It is also important to analyse the competition. Before launching, for example, a new product, it is essential to know what we are up against; which brands have offered the same (or something similar) and what our differentiating element will be. Analysing our competitors will help us to know their weak points, their measures of action and to foresee future actions.

  1. planning a strategy

Once the relevant data has been collected during the research, it is time to establish the strategy that will guide the rest of the actions. This strategy must be established based on objectives, so this is the first step: establish what we want to achieve with our marketing plan.

These objectives must be concrete and feasible, for example, "increase sales of our product by 5%" instead of "achieve an increase in sales". This way it will be easier to check whether our strategy works or not.

It will be essential to coordinate the different activities that make up our marketing plan so that the proposed actions are carried out in an effective and orderly manner. As a brand you must programme both short and long-term actions (over a period of more than one year), which together will make up the action plan .

Also included in this second point is the sales promotion phase , in which the way in which potential customers will be attracted to consume the brand's goods or services will be established. Online advertising actions, posters, events, press or television advertisements, etc. will be chosen.

  1. implementation and development of the strategies proposed

Once the action plan has been established and the tasks have been assigned to the different members of the department, it is also essential to create an effective communication system between them, which ensures that those in charge of carrying out the different tasks are in contact with each other.

Among the actions carried out by the marketing area are the following:

> Implementation and management of campaigns and initiatives, as well as production of content and its dissemination through different channels.

> The marketing team is responsible for keeping the website up to date - as it is the customer's first point of contact with the brand - andfor placing it among the top positions in search engines.

> Management of the brand's social networks, i.e. it is in charge of generating and managing the content that any company posts on its networks, taking care of the details of what is published and the way in which it communicates on the different platforms.

> Acting as a spokesperson with the media. The marketing department is a link between the company and the media, passing on relevant information to them or giving guidelines to the company's managers for communicating with them.

  1. monitoring strategies

The last step for the marketing department, once the strategies and actions have been developed, is to monitor them to ensure that they are being useful and effective.

Some of the aspects to take into account are the functioning of the team members and the communication between them, i.e. to check if the strategy and actions are proving to be profitable.

how is a marketing department put together?

Below we show you which professionals make up a marketing team within a company.

Source: IMF

Digital marketing manager

The digital marketing manager is the professional at the top of the organisation chart who is responsible for planning and managing any type of activity related to the department, setting goals and objectives and designing the overall marketing plan.

It is important that his or her manner exudes leadership and communication, as he or she will be in charge of coordinating the rest of the team, communicating with the different members and supervising the campaigns carried out.

Social media manager

The social media manager is in charge of elaborating market research specialised in social networks, in such a way that he/she is knowledgeable about what is happening in the internet landscape around the brand and the competition. He/she is also in charge of interpreting the data and elaborating a strategy based on it.

Community manager

This is the person in charge of managing and publishing content on the company's networks and platforms; they monitor activity and inform the Social Media manager of everything related to the content they manage.

PR manager

The PR manager (public relations manager) is the professional in charge of the company's public relations, as well as the management and creation of actions that benefit the public image of the brand.

The PR manager is in charge of choosing the right channels depending on the target audience, the topic or the specific needs, in order to achieve a positive opinion of the brand by the public.

His or her main task is to communicate the information that the brand wants to convey, achieving the maximum possible dissemination and reaching the target audience.

Content Manager

The Content Manager, as the name suggests, is the professional in charge of the content generated by the brand. His or her job is to select the content that is most beneficial to the brand and the format in which it will be published.

The communication between the Content Manager and the rest of the team is essential for the correct development of the campaigns and the achievement of the objectives.

SEO and SEM expert

Internet positioning will always be one of the priorities of a marketing team, therefore, it is essential to have a professional in this area who knows the secrets of SEO and SEM, to take your company to the top of the lists generated by search engines.

Web analyst

Companies are becoming more and more present on the web, which is why brands need to know their audience, the statistics of their website and the behaviour of their users. The person in charge of managing this data and analysing it is the web analyst, a position that is increasingly in demand and in demand.

Web designer

The figure of the web designer is in charge of creating a company's website according to the needs of the brand, making sure to provide it with a functional, personalised and differential design .

You already know the ideal organisation chart of a marketing team, now adapt what you have learnt to the needs of your brand and embark on your digital strategy.

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