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what is a landing page for?

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A landing page is a web page that serves to convert visitors into leads. It is very important that your landing page or landing page is attractive and good to make your users willing to leave their information, to fill in a form, and even to buy and become a customer of your brand. Now we tell you how to create a perfect one.

how to create your landing page?

  • Title and subtitle: These are the first elements that the user will find after entering the landing page, so they will determine in a few seconds if the user decides to stay or not. The title must be very concise as we will use the subtitle to add information and context to the offer. It must be attractive, but above all it must persuade the user not to leave the landing page and continue until he/she becomes a lead or even a customer.

  • Consent: This is the most important part when creating a landing page, as it is absolutely mandatory that leads give their explicit consent to receive commercial information, so the notice that they are going to receive commercial information must be clearly visible within the landing page.

  • Icons: Using icons for the user to enter the RRSS means that the content you have offered has seemed interesting enough for them to share it on their social networks with the rest of their followers. In other words, they are recommending the brand.

  • Form: Within the form that is offered to users to convert them into leads there are several fields. This form is essential to take the next step in the buying process, so you have to create it very consciously and take care of the details. If, for example, you exceed the number of fields in the form, the user will feel overwhelmed by the large amount of information you are asking for and will not complete the form.

  • Offer: You have to focus the content on the quality of the offer, if you focus on explaining to the user the value that the offer will bring, the user will feel attracted by it and will want to finish filling in the form to get all the benefit that you are offering as a brand.

    ¿Para qué sirve un landing page?
    Multimedia: A valuable content is not only a good explanation in a text written in a concise and clear way, what really adds value among new users is to add audiovisual elements such as explanatory videos.

  • Quality images: The images you add to your website must be of high quality, they must look good and, above all, they must perfectly represent the product you are offering.

  • Text: The text you use on your landing page must be clear and easy to understand. Text that is too long can be confusing and may lead users away from the possibilities of converting. At this point, we must remember that, many times, "less is more", that is, the fewer elements there are on your page that can distract the user, the less likely it is that the user will escape from the great process of conversion.

  • CTA or call to action: Your CTA has to lead the user to carry out the action you want them to do, so the message has to be exactly what you want, if you want them to subscribe to your newsletter: "Subscribe to our newsletter", if you want them to buy your product: "Buy our new bicycle".

  • Contact details: It is very likely, and at the same time beneficial, that many of your users have doubts about some aspect of your product or service, so leaving your contact details on your landing page is a good idea so that they can contact you as quickly and easily as possible.

  • Personalised content: This factor must be taken into account, especially when it comes to users who have already left their details on a form so that they do not have to leave the same details they have already provided previously. Likewise, the content of the landing pages must be designed with your users in mind and in accordance with the headline.

¿Para qué sirve un landing page?

In conclusion, the main objective of a landing page is to achieve user conversion and they are really important because of the results they achieve. A landing page that is well done allows a much higher conversion rate than a normal web page. With this you will save budget by spending less on google ads and getting, as we have already said, a higher conversion. Do not wait any longer and finally create a landing page that will help you to improve your Inbound Marketing strategy and optimise your marketing strategy!

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