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Social media video for business, what happened in 2018?

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consumers who visit social networks, who become your followers, who connect and grow. 2018 was the year of the video boom par excellence, and in 2019 we are living its continuity. It is a story that went viral with the birth of YouTube in 2005 and that evolves and transforms over time. It is an adventure with a beginning, but not an end.

An indisputable boom, a virtual reality that spins at 360 kilometres per hour. And, of course, it has had an influence on social networks. How? We'll tell you about it.

The effects of video on social networks

Video continues to gain engagement, so it is not surprising that platforms such as Facebook or Instagram are integrating it into their functionalities, not only in the form of prepared videos, but also with streaming. Are you betting on digital and strategic marketing? Video marketing has the answer to all your questions. Look at these effects of video on social networks:

  • More feeling with users and consumers. It goes straight to their heart.
  • More consumed than any other format.
  • Ithas it all: it's fun, it's informative and it can go viral.
  • It is unstoppable and is consumed more than Instagram images themselves.
  • And if you stilldon't believe it, look at the data Why do you think YouTube is Facebook's main competitor?
  • They make you different, with new ideas to play across the screen.

Don't use video to tell just anything. If you show them an interesting part of your reality, with which they identify, it will have been a success. But don't do and don't share videos to comply, to dress up or to fill in.

Social media: part of your communication strategy

What we are trying to tell you in this post is that social networks for companies are part of your communication strategy, and, as such, you should pay attention to them. Give them a chance. Using videos to publicise a product or service is a trend that is all the rage - just ask Internet users.

We live in a culture led by mobile devices. 2017 already warned us... 90% of the content shared by users on social networks was in video format, but how do you capture the audience's attention in the first 3 seconds?

take up the challenge!

Social networks for companies are communication channels that brands and users use to meet and be seen. They interact and interact hand in hand. Multiple platforms, different formats, tools to choose from... They make it possible for all kinds of content to flow with users on social networks. With video, brands are:

  • Increasing traffic.
  • Converting leads.
  • Achieving greater reach.
  • Getting to know their target.
  • Improving their brand image.

what about you? What kind of communication are you cooking up on your social networks?

Promoting brands through video on social networks ADVANTAGES!

Of all the things that are going through our heads right now, corporate social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube are becoming very popular among internet users. You have an endless number of channels to choose from, the important thing is to know how to adapt them to the needs of your brand.

What is clear is that you want to improve your image and position yourself. Let's be honest: you want to be more popular. And we are not surprised, because all the companies that have already joined the use of video in social media communication have already improved their brand image, are getting better conversion rates and reach. More visits, more dissemination and data collection.

Let us find you.

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