Video marketing is a tool that you can use for online marketing. It is the use of audiovisual images to achieve various objectives for your marketing strategy. In other words, it is the most widely used promotional strategy today, as it only involves adding videos to your content marketing.

Nowadays, the data is clear and reveals that audiovisual content has a greater positive impact on sales and ROI (Return On Investment). ROI is the economic value generated as a result of carrying out different marketing actions. It is also one of the most important aspects to take into account when carrying out an Inbound Marketing strategy, as it is a way of checking results and measuring profitability.

how can you convey the essence of your company? Presenting yourself in a video

There are millions of ways to present your business, however, the best way is the presentation you carry out through a video. Currently, 70% of the content that is consumed on the Internet is audiovisual material. Other data that show that audiovisual content has a greater positive impact on sales are:

  • A tweet with video has three times more replies and retweets than one that does not include it.
  • 90% of Internet users say that videos are very useful when they have to decide whether or not to buy a product or service.
  • 64% of users who watch videos eventually buy a product or service they have seen promoted.

The best way for your future customers to find your business is through video

the answer lies in the audiovisual format we are talking about. With it you will be able to show the strong points and advantages of your business at the same time that you transmit the values and personality of your brand. Not only that, but through the video you show them the tools you have in your business at the same time that you tell them your story, introduce your team and the functions they carry out or the facilities that can be found in your company.

In addition, we recommend that you present your objectives or your future projects. In this way, you will connect with users, get closer to them and increase the possibility that they will become your customers. It is very simple, video is the best format for you to present yourself and generate confidence in your customer. But... Are you still not convinced? Here are three results that you get if you decide to use video marketing:

  1. You improve your positioning: it is easier to be found on the web.
  2. You increase the time spent on your website: in other words, the video gives you more viewing time for each visit.
  3. You achieve effectiveness in your message: you inform your future client in a more effective, dynamic and entertaining way.

Requirements to create a good video

  • Get a good message across: be clear about what you want to say and convey, so plan a script that includes everything, so that you don't forget anything!
  • Short: it has to be approximately 2 minutes long. You have to arouse the user's curiosity and curiosity. The video should not take forever, otherwise they won't watch it until the end.
  • Show a good image: a corporate video that has quality. Your future clients will stay with the image they see in the video and they must have a good impression of your business.
  • The environment: choose well the place and the facilities you want to show, as the client will also record these images in their retina. Don't show them a dingy place.
  • Good editing: a good image and a good location are useless if the editing spoils everything. It is better not to have a video than to have a poor quality one. If you need it, go to professionals, they can offer you a good editing.
  • Creative: for that you have to take risks and you can also count on the help of editors to give you ideas.
  • Good dissemination: use all available channels to disseminate your video. Use social networks. Right now, they are the best option for disseminating content. We also recommend that you open a channel on YouTube, which will allow you to link your content to other platforms.

Examples of video marketing that can help you

  • Mutua Madrileña, a group of Spanish companies that operate in various fields of activity such as insurance, asset management and real estate.
  • Qualipharma, a company with five different lines of business: consultancy, qualifications, validations, calibrations and training.
  • Loggex, a company specialising in the transport of live plants.
  • Global Knowledge, the world's largest IT training company, with more than 5,000 guaranteed classes per year and more than 3,000 exclusive IT courses.
  • MultiEstética. Aesthetic surgery and medicine website that allows you to contact the best facial, body and dental aesthetic centres, as well as choose the treatments you want.

So, if you still haven't devised a video marketing strategy for your business... You're late in doing so! Get started as soon as possible and you'll see how you get more users to reach your company and become customers. Hurry up, don't waste any more time!

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