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Tips to optimise my corporate Linkedin profile

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Nowadays, having a good corporate Linkedin profile is essential for any company. With it you get more visibility on the network, you show your professional experience and your work throughout your working life in a clear way and, in addition, you are in contact with a greater number of people and companies. Today we tell you some tips to optimise your profile and get the most out of it. Don't miss it!

Trucos para optimizar mi perfil Linkedin corporativo

The best tips to optimise your corporate Linkedin profile

  • Title your profile. With the number of users on LinkedIn, it is easy that if you have a common name, users or companies searching for you will not be able to find you. Therefore, updating your profile with keywords about your business will help to position your profile and, therefore, it will be easier for companies to find you.

  • Introduce your team. One of the strategies you can use to give your LinkedIn company profile more prominence is to introduce your team. This is a very special way to show them how valuable they are and at the same time to show your brand values. Let your users get to know you and your team better, show them what they can't normally see. This generates more trust in your brand and, of course, can attract many more users to your page.

  • Add multimedia content - adding multimedia elements, whether it's images or videos, complements all the information you've already left on your profile.

  • Add achievements and interests - anything that allows users to learn more about you is welcome on LinkedIn, which will take into account that you have an active profile and boost it in searches.

  • Write and ask for recommendations. Having a letter of recommendation when you go for a job interview is always a plus for the company you are applying for. On LinkedIn you can write and receive recommendations from other users about the work experience they have had with you, ask them to write them or recommend them yourself.

  • Talk about what you are working on. A good idea to improve your brand engagement with LinkedIn is to show your followers all the work you are doing.

Trucos para optimizar mi perfil Linkedin corporativo

  • Publish the content of your corporate blog. Nobody doubts the great benefits for your company of having a company blog: you create relevant content for your audience, you position yourself as a benchmark in your sector, you work on your website's SEO , you increase the chances of conversions on your site... If you also share these posts on LinkedIn, you will be promoting your business while reaching more people likely to become future customers and you will improve your positioning.

  • Interact with your followers. LinkedIn is a social network and as such, it is a perfect space to interact with your audience. Try to start conversations with them through questions you ask in your updates. You can ask their opinion on a specific topic or encourage them to explain their point of view. Similarly, do not forget to strengthen your relationship with your followers by responding to all the comments they leave you. We all like to feel heard and communication is a key point if you want to increase your brand's engagement.

  • Share relevant information from your sector. Not all the posts you make on your LinkedIn company profile have to be your own. In fact, it is advisable that they are not if you do not want your audience to end up saturated. A good idea is to share information from third parties that is relevant within the sector in which you move. In addition to promoting the interest of your followers, you will also be showing that you are a company that is aware of the latest trends and that is never left behind.

  • Publish content at the busiest times. The aim of adding content is very simple: to reach as many people as possible. Therefore, it should be done intelligently, and given that LinkedIn is a professional social network, it does not seem to make much sense to do it at weekends or late in the afternoon. Monday to Friday during working hours from 9:00 to 17:00 h, especially in the mornings, will be much more fruitful, and will achieve a larger audience for your publications, although this as always must be adapted to each website and therefore we must analyze when we receive the greatest flow of visits.

  • Create your own group. One of the most useful ways of networking and giving visibility to your company is to create your own group on this platform where you can generate debates, disseminate content about your business and position yourself as an expert in your field. In addition, you can also publicise the services and products you have, disseminate offers, attract customers or even find collaborators. And, on the other hand, you will also collect valuable information about the concerns of your audience and you can use it to improve your relationship with them.

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