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The importance of social networks in online shops

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When we talk about social networks we refer to certain places on the internet that allow people to connect, interact, create communities and share content. They can be used individually, for work, to create business relationships, etc. However, today we are going to focus on the role of social networks within online shops. How many use them? How do they do it? What are their objectives?

More interaction on social networks

A few years ago, interaction became one of the main objectives of many companies. In fact, it is also one of their main challenges. However, to achieve this, they need more than just an online presence, they also need patience and techniques that, when used properly, increase interaction and awaken the interest of users.

Social networks have long since revolutionised society and the way we communicate. For most companies, they have become an important communication channel that also serves to implement different strategies. Thanks to them, online shops have managed to increase interaction between users by putting different profiles in contact with each other quickly and easily.

If you want to achieve greater interaction, start by asking yourself the following questions: What strategy am I following? What is the model I have defined? How often will I share or publish content? Which networks will I use? Am I achieving the expected results? Where do we focus?

Interactivity in social networks opens up a world of possibilities, and it doesn't matter where you are in the world, because interactivity knows no barriers.

Advantages of using social networks in online shops

An active presence on social networks allows companies to grow, but how does this growth materialise? By achieving the following objectives:

  • Reinforcement of the brand.
  • Creating awareness of the organisation.
  • Improves the positioning of the shop on the Internet.
  • Generate more interaction.
  • Publish and share relevant content posts.
  • Strengthens customer relationships.
  • You can monitor opinions about the shop.
  • Attract traffic to the website.
  • Identify new business opportunities.
  • Easier to reach the customer.
  • Observe the behaviour of the competition.

For these and other reasons, social media has already become a fundamental tool for many businesses. In reality, it is difficult to define point by point the amount of results you can get as a result of a good social media strategy, but anything is possible if you start trying.

Generate valuable content

There were around 85,000 online shops in Spain in 2014. Now, four years later, Spanish eCommerce has reached its highest year-on-year growth rate since 2015, 26.2%, according to data published in M4rketing Ecommerce in April this year. This is a large number of companies that also have a presence on social networks.

what do companies use them for? When we talk about these social structures, we quickly associate them with gaining followers, but in reality, these tools can be used for many more things. The alternatives are endless. Some companies even think that publishing more content is synonymous with achieving better results, when this is not entirely true.

To achieve this, online shops need to define their strategy: objectives to be achieved, perspective and personality; use social networks in line with their Inbound Marketing strategy; publish frequently and at set times; include attractive words; establish the best time to publish; include calls to action; and create valuable content capable of generating interaction. If online shops are looking to be the best bet for their potential customers, they should not hesitate to give them the value they are looking for.

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