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The importance of segmentation in an online shop

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A few years ago it was unthinkable to carry out such a concrete and exact segmentation. It was unimaginable to establish partitioning criteria based on behaviour or interest. Perhaps not so much with age or geographic location. You may be wondering what we are talking about. Well, today we want to share three things with you: what is segmentation in marketing, what it is for and how companies are doing it with the Inbound methodology.

experience teaches us to be selective!

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what is segmenting?

Talking about segmenting implies talking about segments, but if we start looking for an objective definition of this word, we will probably start with what is established by the Real Academia Española de la Lengua (RAE): "To cut or split something into segments".

Perhaps, this definition is too ambiguous for what we are looking for, so we have decided to use the explanation provided by the American economist and marketing specialist Philip Kotler: "To segment is to analyse and identify the profiles of groups of consumers who may need different products or different marketing strategies".

If we transfer this concept to online business, we can talk about the analysis and identification of the profile of consumer groups that may need different products, something like the buyer persona of our company. Therefore, it is essential to put ourselves in their shoes for a moment, as it will be the first step to understand them.

These fictitious and generalised representations are a key and vital point that will irremediably influence the guidelines for optimising efforts. Try to understand your current and future customers, and guide and adapt your content in the best way possible.

what are the advantages of segmentation for online shops?

Knowing the history, objectives, goals, challenges, problems, doubts and responsibilities of our potential customers leads to the construction of a vital weapon of war for companies. Once again, data about our audience becomes an important source of information. So much so that online shops gain the following advantages:

  1. Knowing the interests and behaviours to write content that responds to them.
  2. Attract the right customers
  3. Know more precisely what needs, problems and desires consumers have for your products and services.
  4. Guide the development and improve the experience with your products and services.
  5. Create the right and perfectly tailoredcontent .
  6. In the long term, segmentation allows you to increase commercial performance, improve business expansion and increase loyalty levels.

Segmentation will allow companies to answer a series of questions necessary to identify and make their decisions. The observation and analysis of the information obtained is a very powerful weapon to build our main buyer persona, first, and to attract our potential customers, later.

3 things that online shops can start to target

After reading what we are telling you, it is very likely that this question will come up. Before you draw your own conclusions, we want to give you a hand. First of all, it is important that you are clear about what segmentation in Inbound Marketing is. After that, you can start to think about which variables you want to segment. For example, we will tell you three:

  • Geographic: where our potential customers are located.
  • Demographic: Age, gender, family size, profession, income, socio-economic status, educational level, etc.
  • Behavioural: How they search for information, what platforms they empathise with, what type of content they read, how they make purchasing decisions, what their obligations are, how they measure their success, etc.

Remember that this data can be of great help. However, it is important that you adapt the questions to the objectives of your shop in order to obtain accurate information. In this case, as we are talking about online shops, it is adapted to this environment, but segmentation can also be carried out in the traditional environment.

If you want to get good results for your business, appreciate the behaviour of your audience, and want to have a solid basis for market research, then start with good segmentation.

don't lose sight of your potential customers!


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