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As you may already know, bofu is one of the stages that make up the sales funnel. Specifically, it is the final part of the well-known funnel and, therefore, the last stage where you have to try to close the sale. Today we will tell you why it is important to know how to take advantage of it and what content to contribute to it.
Bottom of the funnel
Bottom of the funnel or BOFU is the third stage of the sales funnel and, therefore, its objective is to complete the conversion. It is a moment where the potential customer is considering buying and comparing, perhaps, between your offer and those of your competitors. Moreover, the time of the customer journey varies according to each stage, so, although some leads can spend hours or months in the attraction stage (TOFU) and in the consideration stage (MOFU), the bottom stage of the funnel is usually somewhat shorter, even because the lead probably already has an opinion on the matter.
In the BOFU, it is understood that the lead already knows what his problem is and also recognises that the company has the solution to help him. Now, he is comparing other solutions and evaluating the pros and cons of one company's products and services versus another.
what questions do you have to answer at this stage?
One of the main objectives of the bottom of the funnel stage is to reinforce the authority of your company so that the lead's confidence increases and he/she can make the sale. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways to increase your authority. To do so, you should:
- Show how the company works.
- Show customer success stories.
- Demonstrate how to use the product or service.
- Focus on the company's advantages in the marketplace.
An excellent way to do all this is by investing in video content, which transfers more closeness and credibility, since the closer the customer feels to the company and the products, the greater the possibility of making a purchase.
which formats are most suitable for BOFU?
Regardless of the format, for there to be credibility, the BOFU material must be well prepared and have excellent quality and production. However, there are content formats that help to better convey the authority and credibility that the lead must feel at this stage:
- webinar: A webinar is a kind of online conference that creates authority and proximity with viewers, as they can even ask questions live. Webinars need a good script and there are currently good free tools to make them, such as Google Meet .
- minivideos: Despite not being a direct dialogue like a webinar, making good minivideos explaining some BOFU content is also a good format. Because they are shorter and require less attention span, there is a chance that the lead will watch them even if they are not as motivated as a prospect who is interested in watching a webinar. Likewise, minivideos are easily viewed and can be highlighted on your website for quick reference .
- ebooks: Ebooks targeted at the BOFU, i.e. with more details about your products and the benefits of your company, also help the lead in the buying decision.
- product demonstration. Few actions are more effective than demonstrating your product for free to make a sale. By feeling that they have the product, as well as being able to try it out and clear up any last doubts, the lead can close the purchase.
- tell about previous success stories, so that future users will be able to see that your service and product is effective.
- apply discounts to encourage the purchase. Who can't be convinced by a good discount?
Other stages in which the sales funnel is divided into
La metodología del funnel no solo se divide en las tres fases según la parte del embudo en la que se encuentran los usuarios. Puede dividirse también en cinco etapas dependiendo de cómo está el cliente:
-Captación de leads. En esta etapa lo más importante es conseguir que tus futuros clientes te cedan sus datos para que tú puedas utilizarlos en tu funnel.
-Prospecto. Una vez esto pase, lo que tienes son prospectos, los anteriores leads los clasificamos para poder crear estrategias acorde a ellos, así ahorras esfuerzo sabiendo en qué parte de tu funnel de venta se encuentra cada uno de tus leads.
-Oportunidad. En esta fase debes dirigirte a encontrar tu oportunidad de venta, es decir, ya sabes qué producto o servicio le interesa más al cliente potencial, por lo que debes centrarte en mostrarle solo aquello que él considera relevante para descartar la demás información.
-Calificación. Mide
Finally, remember that although any format can be used in all stages of the sales funnel, what really defines which one to use varies according to the level of education of the user and the chosen strategy. The sales funnel can be an incredible ally for your company to better understand your consumer and be able to create unique and personalised content that addresses their needs in each of the stages: TOFU, MOFU and BOFU.