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Online shops and Google: things that will make you understand their behaviour

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Succeeding today has a lot to do with the internet universe - the dance floor to go out and succeed, attract potential customers and grow by getting better.

are you a brand? Stick around, because we're going to tell you 10 things you need to understand Mr. Google.

who is Google?

The highlight of this company is the world's most popular search engine, "whose function is to provide users with access to listings of web pages and references of various kinds, as a way to facilitate their navigation of the vast world of the internet". It is the world's number one search engine with more than 5.5 million searches per day.

Is Google important for online shops?

  • History

Things have changed for a reason: they have evolved since consumers started to realise that brands were no longer the only source of information about a certain product or service.

When they discovered that the internet stored hundreds of opinions from other customers, alternatives from other companies offering the service they are looking for, etc., consumers started to search the web.


They were - and still are - typing in useful information and content. Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, brilliant minds and co-founders of HubSpot, realised that the internet marketing that was done in the late 20th and early 21st century was not very useful. It did not take into account what was vital to them: quality content.

As a result, they began to carry out exhaustive analyses of consumer behaviour and, in 2006, the American company was created based on the Inbound methodology. The objective was no longer to attract customers with intrusive advertising - which was beginning to sound very hater - but to bring them closer in a natural way. And they were going to do this by means of "an online marketing strategy to increase web traffic, leads, user loyalty and, finally, to convert these visits into customers", as Dlegaonline points out.

This is how the company created its CMS to create blogs and websites to publish useful and valuable content for potential customers. Social media, the use of mobile devices, and the number of internet searches have been on the rise, leading companies to rethink their marketing strategies. Ch-ch-ch... Change?

  • The present of online shops

The Internet is the chosen scenario for users to search for and buy products and services, so the presence of online shops on social networks and blogs is no longer an option, but a necessary asset for their survival and growth.

All of this, following a rigorous strategy based on the buyer's journey, creating useful content for each stage and according to a long tail keyword, sharing posts on social networks, creating calls to action, designing landing pages and thank you pages, email marketing strategies, etc.

the goal is to stand out from the competition, gain visibility and get your customers to find you because they need you.

The behaviour of online shops on Google

why are they increasingly present on social networks and in the content of their blogs? Why do they create audiovisual pills of their products and services? What do they do to attract potential customers? Why do they do what they do?

  1. To improve their positioning and thus increase their visibility. To do this, online shops use keywords in the domain or address of their website, in the title tag, in the meta description and in the development of their posts. They should use them in a natural way without forcing or altering the meaning or understanding. An exact keyword to strengthen their position in the SEO ranking.
  2. To create useful content that serves the consumer to move through the stages of the buyer's journey while satisfying their needs or problems. In this day and age, it is very difficult to imagine an effective marketing strategy without the presence of a blog. Content is the king of the Inbound methodology and serves to attract potential customers in a natural way.
  3. To improve the visibility of the website through the use of internal and external links. In the content strategy, online shops cannot ignore these elements, because Google is wise and values their presence in the texts. And not only that, but they facilitate the crawling of your company's internal pages and leave open the possibility that the external pages to which you link will also link to you.
  4. To improve your loading speed. It will be valued by Google much more than you imagine, as it uses this factor to position the pages. Do you have yours 100% optimised? Did you know that the loading speed has a huge influence on the bounce or abandonment rate?

why do online shops do all this?

Because Google values it.

The Internet as a stage for companies that choose Inbound

The same words and two totally different meanings. Inbound Marketing is a methodology that has chosen the Internet as a stage for action to take advantage of all its possibilities and attract potential customers to the brands that put it into practice.

It takes advantage of data and benchmarks so that online shops and other companies around the world can continue to grow, but always adapting to social changes.

why do you think more and more companies are jumping on the Inbound Marketing bandwagon?

According to the latest State of Inbound:

  • ....because 75% of them want to convert contacts into customers.
  • ....because 47% prefer to increase traffic to their website.
  • ...because 45% want to increase revenue coming from existing customers.
  • ...because 31% choose to demonstrate the ROI of their marketing actions.
  • ...because 29% opt to reduce the cost of acquiring contacts.
  • ...because 25% want sales training.
  • The rest are not very clear.

want to change your behaviour with Google? Start working on your behaviour today!

Descubre todo sobre Google

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