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Only those who are moving forward stumble. And if you have come this far, it is because you have decided not to stand still. It is a great sign that you have become aware that video is number 1 in the ranking of the most consumed formats by users. The easiest to consume and share. Especially if its content is emotional or humorous. It increases conversion rates like no other format, contributes to SEO and promotes engagement. Cool, isn't it?

get on the Occam Agencia Digital audiovisual services bandwagon and live a different experience!

Video marketing and audiovisual services in Madrid

Whoever looks for you, finds you, especially if you apply the Inbound methodology and understand that it is the perfect way to attract your potential customers, i.e. those whose problems and needs can be covered by the products and services you offer, in such a way that they can become buyers. These people or entities have a series of qualities that make them more likely to be interested in your brand.

To conquer their hearts you just need to define your Inbound Marketing strategy with a little video.

Start with the buyer persona, it's the key. Include specific socio-demographic data and information about their online, personal and professional behaviour. Then, accompany your strategy with video, because if a picture is worth a thousand words, video is worth a thousand images. We tell you that we have been producing audiovisual pieces for all kinds of companies for more than 5 years. They have become aware that video marketing has gone from being a trend to become a fundamental tool for all brands that want to connect with their audience.

are you one of them? Tell us what's on your mind, because there isn't a single digital headache that can't be solved with a bit of video: gaining visibility, increasing sales, increasing conversion rates, attracting potential customers... Whatever.

At Occam Agencia Digital we have the solution to all your problems thanks to our audiovisual services in Madrid:

  • Corporate video, presenting your values, facilities, products, services, processes and experiences in a simple, truthful and close way.
  • Motion Graphics (2D and 3D): Combines photography, text, audio, graphic design and video in an attractive and dynamic way.
  • Animated GIFs. Support animations and give a fun touch to your messages. Attractive, brief, creative and efficient. Your users will understand it in a matter of seconds.
  • Tutorials and training pills: Create manuals, FAQs videos, How to's, learning guides and much more.
  • Testimonial videos. Let your customers give their opinion. It is a perfect audiovisual resource to tell experiences, stories or opinions of the brand. Gain confidence.
  • Events: Opening a new business, celebrating a meeting with your suppliers, a flashmob, immortalise the moment and generate brand image.
  • 360º video. See life from another dimension to tell stories from every point of view. Call it immersive, spherical or a different panoramic view. It's video.
  • Corporate webseries. Corporate fiction, we create your made-to-measure series. We combine creativity, formats and identifiable characters. The result? Emotions.
  • Promos. We will make a product known, launch a campaign, capture a specific audience. You will reach them in an impactful way.

we care about the visible face of your brand!

why do brands offer more and more video in their digital marketing strategies?

Our brains are designed to absorb visual and auditory information - brands know this, and they also know that video marketing offers great advantages when it is associated with their digital strategy:

  1. The user retains more information and understands the message better. If you combine images, music, voice-over and text you provoke an explosion of knowledge much more effective than the textual route.
  2. It promotes engagement and strengthens the bond between the brand and the customer, thanks to the emotions that the video arouses in order to achieve loyalty.
  3. Itimproves the productivity of your business, with a higher conversion rate, which translates into sales.
  4. Optimise SEO positioning: if you are going to publish it on YouTube, Facebook or another social network, you will improve your brand's visibility and position in search engines, and you have a much better chance that the user will share it and it will go viral.
  5. Increases user traffic to your website, increasing the number of visits to your business website.

Now that you know the main reasons why companies are increasingly using video marketing, what are you waiting for? Live it, don't let them tell you about it.

And finally..

You've probably heard of video marketing countless times, but what exactly is it? What can it do for you? At Occam you'll find out exactly what it is and how your company can benefit from it. The possibilities of how you can use video are endless. Most people use it to promote and raise awareness of their company, but you can also use it to train your staff, communicate with your team, tell a story, promote a new product and film live events. You have the last word.

Come to the south of Madrid and meet us.

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