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Occam: app development company in Madrid

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Businesses need to be prepared for what's coming, especially in times of pandemic, where online sales have skyrocketed. At Occam Digital Agency we have put our hands to work to facilitate this process and help you develop a customised plan adapted to you to create your mobile application.

what do you need to know about app development?

The idea is the basis of your application, and creativity at this point of the process is crucial. However, imagining and dreaming is all very well, but when it comes to mobile application development, you have to have your feet on the ground. One of the most complicated steps when creating our App is to define the idea and give it shape, as well as developing it at a technical and functional level.

First, you have to think about the operating system, the resolution, the screens, the adaptability, and then the representation of all these functions, operations and processes in the system. At Occam wehave professionals with extensive skills, experience, knowledge and abilities. When the technical and functional levels are connected, developers manage to create successful projects, turning the initial idea into a visible reality.

Our main purpose is to offer a quality service to each client and adapt it to the specific needs of each one. We are all different, so we adapt to the circumstances of each one, marking a path that is based on the same structures, but that manifests itself according to individual requirements.

At Occam we strive to:

  • Observe and understand the behaviour, development, techniques, needs, strengths and weaknesses of the digital aspects of companies, as well as the competition they face in their sector.
  • Tostudy and interpret the needs of companies in order to assess the situation and offer the best adapted service.
  • Offering the best offers: The offer always comes hand in hand with the specific needs and/or problems that companies have, and after analysing and interpreting them, we offer an adapted plan to manage the tools and guide companies to the market in which they want to be competitive.
  • Helping companies in any task they want to carry out, such as attracting qualified traffic to a blog or website, transforming it into contacts, as well as accompanying and preparing them during the purchasing cycle.

The steps we follow to create your mobile application

When it comes to getting down to work with your app development project, we give our all so that you can see how your idea comes to life at every step of the process. To do this, we follow these 6 steps to ensure the highest quality and a coherent and optimal structure to achieve the best possible performance for your mobile application.

  • The briefing.

When an idea is good, it has to be expressed in detail, so we meet with the client to know first hand what they expect from us and to know the keys to the project: objectives, available budget, devices, operating system, potential audience, mobile strategy, theme of the App, monetisation, etc. All efforts must come together to achieve the dreamed results.

do you want to know the importance of the briefing when creating an audiovisual project? Click here.

  • The planning.

Our team pays special attention to this phase to lay all the foundations for the development of the application. We hold meetings to explain how we are going to work, what steps we are going to take and that each of the parties contribute solutions, ideas or points of view focused on achieving the final objective of the project.

  • Application design: The visible and usable face.

The design will be vital to attract more users to the application and increase downloads. If the client tests the final design and gives his approval, it is time to start creating the multimedia elements, make usability tests, create graphics, prototypes and everything you need to have the application ready. But the design is not everything.

  • Development: Let's get to work!

In this phase we are going to implement all the functionalities necessary for the application to work correctly. This is the moment to think about performance, compliance with web accessibility standards, data security, databases, etc. The requirements that have been defined and the graphic flow of the application will help us to define a list of tasks that the programming team will develop. We will make progressive advances and we will show them to the client as the project is being built until it is completed.

  • Functionality testing.

When the programming of the application is completed, it is time to carry out a series of technical tests in order to identify and solve problems. Afterwards, the final project is demonstrated to the client and joint tests are carried out to obtain feedback before its publication.

  • Launch.

At this stage, we take care of configuring the application and preparing it for its subsequent launch. In the case of Google Play, the time that passes from submission to its appearance in the shop is 3 hours. This time is 3 days in the case of the App Store.

We know that the crux of a successful software is not only in the final result, not even in the programming, but in the analysis of the needs of each client. That is why we will be there throughout the process to solve all the doubts that arise throughout the process.

do you have an idea in mind and you don't know where to start? Ask for information and ask us all your questions. At Occam Agencia Digital we will be happy to help you and to take this path together.

Proceso de desarrollo de una aplicación

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