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The importance of automation in marketing

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There's one disturbing thing about marketing, and that's that it makes you a survivor. The advent of ad hoc tasks and ineffective strategies is disappearing, and you become immersed in the digital environment. Every now and then, to our surprise, companies are becoming aware of the importance of automating marketing processes. But is it really possible to achieve success without automation today?

what is marketing automation?

Nowadays we have heard about Marketing Automation or Marketing Automation to refer to the execution of the tasks of a digital marketing strategy in a fast and efficient way. It is not by chance that during the last years the number of automated marketing softwares has increased in society.

For example, the platform of the pioneer in Inbound Marketing, HubSpot, whose CRM brings together everything you need to undertake a complete Inbound Marketing strategy, with its content creation, email marketing, landing pages, thank you pages, blog, social networks... With everything you need.

what does marketing automation bring to the table?

In a marketing strategy there are very mechanical tasks, such as data processing, which take up a large part of our time. Thanks to HubSpot's CRM it is possible to automate the management of information so that the system automatically integrates leads while reducing possible margins of error.

Not only that, but it also allows us to create segmentation lists within our database. What does this mean? It means that the team will be able to work much more focused, efficient and adapted to the objectives according to each stage of the flywheel .

Updates are produced constantly, contacts are registered automatically, emails can even be personalised, and analytics on conversions are carried out every so often.

So if you want to know more about how marketing automation works with HubSpot, you're in the right place to get all your questions answered.

Advantages of HubSpot marketing automation

If there is a point to highlight in marketing, it is that more and more companies are joining the automation of their marketing and sales actions. The goal is to improve response times and attention to their customers and sales opportunities. As a HubSpot partner in Occam Digital Agency we are direct witnesses of its advantages:

  • Save time.
  • Less margin for error.
  • Greater control over data.
  • Quantify the impact of marketing actions.
  • More qualified leads.
  • Greater confidence.
  • Improved productivity.
  • Customer segmentation and, therefore, better targeting of potential customers.
  • Reduced costs per customer acquisition.
  • Greater monitoring and analysis of results in real time.
  • Calculate ROI and know the profitability of the efforts invested.

The automation of your marketing strategy is of vital importance, so we encourage you to better manage your specific actions and be more profitable. Automation is increasingly important, and companies should not lose sight of it.

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