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how can I improve the image of my online shop?

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have you heard about corporate branding? Are you working to optimise it? What steps are you taking to improve your brand? Relax! In this post we want to share with you an effective and up-to-date way that online shops are using to improve their image, increase visibility and, as a consequence, attract potential customers.

To discover it, we are going to embark on a journey with three stops and only one destination. That is to say, we are going to take a break from fundamental aspects such as: the importance of a solid corporate image, the points we must work on to improve it and a journey through the relationship that exists with Inbound Marketing. Our destination lies in the improvement of your online shop.

are you ready to start this journey?

Maintaining a solid corporate image

In order to achieve a consolidated image in the online world, it is necessary to invest more than just enthusiasm. We are talking about effort, that necessary and decisive link in the processes of companies. Nowadays, we live in a dense, complex and evolved world that requires a significant change in companies. Therefore, at this time, it is essential to have a solid corporate image.

do you know how many online shops exist in the world? How is yours different from the rest? Given the current panorama in which we live, it is necessary to use techniques and methods to position and secure the life of business projects. It is not enough to offer products and services, it is not even enough to create a logo or focus on the design aspects. We can all aim higher, so it is necessary to work on our corporate image from another approach.

To achieve this, it is important to ask yourself this question: How do I want the public to perceive me? As communication specialist Sebastián Haro points out: "A company is not only what it sells or what it offers, it is also, and to a large extent, what it is perceived to be. A solid and representative image of its activity and its work philosophy is a fundamental value when it comes to positioning itself in the sector and differentiating itself from the competition".

what points should we work on to improve the image of our online shop?

As I was writing this post, I was remembering something that I have learned throughout my life. I am talking about asking questions, but not just any questions, but those capable of getting to the heart of the matter. Those capable of giving you what you are looking for. I tell you this because in the process of improving the image of brands, one of the fundamental steps is to ask yourself questions like these:

  • how do you want to be perceived by your public, do you want to appear cool, elegant, supportive?
  • what kind of companies do you want to relate to?
  • what kind of clients do you want to attract?
  • what channels of contact will you use?
  • what kind of content will you write and share? How do you think it will help your audience?
  • what can they expect from your company?
  • what kind of language will you use?

Some experts say that questions awaken our desire to know new things. After studying and reflecting on these questions, it is time to start working on other issues to give shape to your questions. Here are some techniques and resources to improve the image of your online shop and give it a boost:

  • Start by analysing the key parts of your business: identity, competencies, values and skills.
  • Research the current market, competitors and key trends.
  • Know the goals, aspirations and needs of your company's potential customers/users.
  • Create a website that has good usability.
  • Create content or Inbound Marketing strategies to boost your growth.
  • Listen and offer the best solutions to your customers.
  • Use social networks and create a corporate profile in line with your culture.

Remember that every action counts, every step you take projects an image in the minds of those who interact with you.

what does Inbound Marketing have to do with corporate image?

In recent years, agencies specialising in Inbound Marketing have become the ideal places to improve the corporate image of companies. This is due to the importance that this methodology has gained, and improving the image of brands is also part of Inbound Marketing strategies.

After all, what we pursue with this type of process is to increase our visibility, grow, attract potential customers and increase our sales opportunities. Thanks to its presence, many online shops have managed to attract, convert, close and delight their potential customers.

The Inbound methodology is a way that allows us to create and strengthen all those values that lie behind the brands, everything that inspires our products or services. Therefore, this type of strategy allows us to improve corporate branding.

is your company's corporate image conveying what you really want it to? Don't stagnate and bring your brand to life.

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