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8 essential web analytics tools for digital marketing

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Measuring results is fundamental to any marketing strategy. Not all users are potential customers of your brand, nor are you going to achieve positive results if you don't have patience, commitment and effective decision-making. And for the latter, you need to obtain data on your marketing actions: cost of acquisition, growth in sales and profitability, visits to the website... In other words, KPIs or key performance indicators. If not, how do you plan to optimise your efforts and resources?

It's good to be attractive. You will always have more chances of having a crush on your audience. But not being just one of the crowd requires analytics, data that allows you to know what users expect from you and anticipate their needs. Imagine trying to understand all your website visitors at a glance. In the end, everyone has their own data, and to understand them you must collect, measure and analyse them. Fortunately, there are many analytics tools that can convert this information into understandable data.

Our mission today is to explain which ones you should use in your digital marketing strategy.

Web analytics tools for digital marketing

are you blogging, sharing content on social media, sending it to your subscribers via email marketing campaigns?

Take note of the 8 analytics tools that you could use and squeeze the most out of your digital marketing strategy:

1.Google Analytics.

What can't be measured can't be improved. So far, so clear. But how to do it with Google Analytics? It is one of the most popular tools and any website owner can use it to analyse their website traffic data: number of visits, average session duration, pages visited, socio-demographic reports, keywords that attract more visitors, etc. And together with AdWords and AdSense, it facilitates the path to success in the Google search engine. It is a very complete tool. If you need to track your website, blog and social networks, as well as obtain customisable reports, Google Analytics should be among your first choices.

It's not just about creating a Google Analytics account, but also configuring what you want to measure, and for this, it is essential to configure conversions. Search Console.

It is a platform that allows you to monitor and know the indexing status of a website, check the search results data, the queries made by users and in which your website appears, among other things. You just have to verify your domain on the platform. It is easy to use and very intuitive. Ideal for you if you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your web project.


It allows you to analyse your website in real time. You place a tracking code that collects information about visitors and then report through the dashboard or control panel. It is a system oriented to the analysis and monitoring of small or medium-sized pages. In short, you will be able to know the data in real time with a modern, visual and functional environment.

4.sE Ranking.

We are talking about a cloud-based platform for SEO, as well as marketing professionals, who provide a series of tools for a comprehensive audit of the website, page ranking, competitor analysis, keywords, etc.


This is a tool created to generate statistical reports, especially about web traffic. It analyses aspects related to email and the server, among other things. The web traffic data provided by this tool are essential to know the target audience and make better decisions.

6. SEMrush.

If you are new to SEO, don't worry, this web analytics tool allows you to monitor keywords and is essential for any marketing department. It provides information on organic searches, display advertising, incoming backlinks, paid searches and, in short, very useful information for SEM strategies. It offers SEO solutions, PPC, content, social networks and competitive research".


This is an SEO tool that originated in 2004. Over the years, it gained popularity in the digital marketing universe until it became a tool for the creation and development of SEO-oriented software. Today, it is not limited to simply understanding the Google search engine, but also tries to perfect the use of social networks and improve marketing. One of its main tools is the Open Site Explorer, which allows you to analyse the link profile of any website, being able to apply filters by page, domain, type of link and anchor text, among others. It also has a very powerful local SEO section that helps you with the physical positioning of your business.


You don't have to worry about anything if you are not an SEO guru. Positioning yourself better and getting more traffic can be an easier task through Ahrefs. This tool allows you to perform basic functionalities, such as optimising your website, analysing the competition, studying what your customers are looking for -and the possibilities of anticipating their needs- learning from the best performing content in your industry and tracking the progress of your website's positioning.

9.and as a bonus, Hotjar generates useful heat maps to help you understand where users are moving around your website.

We invite you to leave us your comments if you are using any of these web analytics tools, or if you have in mind others that we have not mentioned. Tell us all your doubts, it is the first step to start to get out of them and change the future of your online business.

"Nobody is more lost than he who does not know where he is going". Shall we start?

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