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Brands go Inbound Marketing on Black Friday

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We are at the end of a new year, which indicates that something is about to happen. November is a significant month for companies. One of the most eagerly awaited moments for consumers has arrived. Black Friday is here, and with it, the inauguration of the Christmas shopping season.

The sales are moving with a bang, and consumers are moving at their own pace. Retail shops, department stores and brands from all sectors are racing for the sales. The consumerist holiday is here. In the eternal struggle to increase sales, some companies have opted for new marketing strategies in the context of Black Friday.

We are here to tell you about it.

The big day is coming: Black Friday

With just a few days to go before the start of this phenomenon, shops in our country are beginning to consider possibilities to achieve the best results. The most popular day of offers and discounts of the whole year will take place this Friday 23 November. We are talking about a seventh edition that consumers are looking forward to, hoping and longing for.

So much so, that there are already countless headlines circulating everywhere about 'everything we need to know to buy online', 'the trends for Black Friday 2018', 'the best offers in computer shops', 'Black Friday curiosities', etc. But how are companies facing it? What are their objectives? What are they going to do to achieve them? What are their strategies?

The reflection of a revolutionary phenomenon

Every last Friday in November has been key in Spain for the last seven years. We are not the only ones to say this, but it has also been reflected in the headlines shared in our media since 2011:

  • Spanish department stores try to import Black Friday from the US(El País)
  • More than 300 million leaflets to liven up Black Friday and Christmas.(Inversión Finanzas)
  • The retail trade adapts to Black Friday to relaunch sales(Retail)
  • Black Friday sales in Spain will rise by 10.1% and exceed 1.5 billion(Europa Press)
  • Retail is preparing for a Black Friday that will grow at half the pace(Cinco Días)
  • Each Galician will spend 163 € in a Black Friday that will create 3,600 extra jobs(El Correo Gallego)

We could go on sharing with you hundreds of headlines, but we believe that these are enough to reflect the movement of companies and consumers in its wake. In addition, we are eager to share with you the reason for this post: the Inbound methodology has found a place in the biggest consumer phenomenon of the year.

Inbound Marketing: a strategic bet for Black Friday

Every year, thousands of companies all over Spain set their sights on the last Friday in November. It has become one of the most significant dates not only in national but also in global commerce. It is a real campaign in which each company decides to bring out its best weapons.

Inbound Marketing came into our lives more than a decade ago with the aim of improving a panorama that was crying out for a transformation in the ways of selling. This also seems to have been reflected in the business universe of Black Friday, something that some brands such as Lékué, specialising in gadgets and kitchen utensils, have demonstrated very well.

This company works every day to find real and innovative design solutions in the world of the kitchen. Every year, for Black Friday, it offers new offers and discounts in its online shop. Lékué is a clear example of the opportunity offered by Inbound Marketing in the face of such a phenomenon, so that, as the web portal Inboundcycle explains, "It has divided up all the items it sells on Black Friday, and it is now offering them to the public:

  • "It has divided all the items in its catalogue into three main groups: healthy cooking, baking and utensils", which has helped it to segment its contacts.
  • "It has created a blog and different CTAs to show the offer that users are most interested in".
  • He has used social networks as a channel to share content and interact with his audience.

E-commerce has opened up a world of possibilities for companies and consumers. Black Friday is in itself a golden opportunity to boost sales, even more so if strategies are implemented that are focused entirely on customers, as is the case with Inbound.

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