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Benefits of personalised interactive video

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It is already a trend in marketing. There is always room for video, which must have a prominent place. Until not too long ago, any marketing action was one-way. The company created a video and the customer consumed it. End of story. Now, the user wants-needs-wants to go further. Hence, the personalised interactive video.

Defining personalised interactive video

It is a video in digital format that requires an action from the user, such as answering a questionnaire, buying, using the voice or simply clicking. It is such a versatile type of video that it can be used in different contexts (professional, sales, corporate, educational...).

Thanks to the interaction of the video with the users, this format increases interest and motivation, as well as the understanding of the message given to them. Its personalised nature gives the viewer the opportunity to interact from the moment they press play.

Don't think that you can only use it to entertain your audience, there are companies that use it to make calls to action or to get more leads in their subscription forms. Without a doubt, it is a great opportunity to let the user create their own path to purchase.

5 advantages of personalised interactive video

It is clear that motivation is a great ally for any action-project-idea we work on, but not everything is motivation. Personalised interactive video also brings us other opportunities:

  • More conversion.

The audience decides what to watch, when, how and from where. If you offer them a video in which they can participate and that fits their circumstances and needs, they will almost certainly click. And you know what that means, CONVERSION!

  • More user retention and views.

When the customer is the one who decides what to watch, everything changes. Video abandonment rates are reduced and video views and time spent in the video increase. Your audience likes the idea of being able to choose between different possibilities and become an explorer.

  • More and higher quality leads.

You can make questionnaires where only those users who have answered correctly will go on to the next stage. In this way, you will avoid people who have no real interest in the subject from participating. The result: only quality leads will remain.

  • You know your audience better.

Thanks to the decisions they make, the videos they watch and those they don't, as well as the personalisation of the interactive video, it will be much easier for you to get to know the users who watch your videos.

  • Improve SEO.

where are you going to post your video? On your website? On a landing page? The ideal is to host it in a place with a special code and from a careful server. Users will watch it as many times as they want, while the SEO of your website goes through the roof.

do you want to make your next personalised interactive video? Start creating it and turn learning into a digital adventure!

do you know the benefits of personalised interactive video?

It has been very well received in the training sector, especially in times of COVID-19, where telematic classes have been imposed by force majeure. Schools, colleges, universities and other centres have been forced to react in a hurry to the situation, and the result has been the transfer of classes to the online world.

If students can interact with the content, it will improve retention and interest in actively participating in reading and listening. Believe us, it works like a charm, because there is no better way to learn than through visual and interactive elements.

Perhaps, after all the cons that the pandemic has imposed on us, it is about time to bring out some pros. Tele-education has become the main survival measure in the education sector, a modality that has been supported by virtual technologies.

To implement it successfully, we need resources and materials, such as personalised interactive video - a great option! If in doubt, give us a call.

Checklist of tools to create interactive videos

Now that you know all the advantages of making personalised interactive videos, let's see how to build them. Take note of these tools:

  • Multipop

With it you can add engaging commerce and advertising content to any omnichannel video strategy. Make it appear throughout the main video.

Very easy to use, you don't need to know how to program or download it to your computer, just create and share your interactive videos.

With this name, you might think that this tool is addictive. Nothing could be further from the truth, because with it you can immerse yourself in a universe of interactive possibilities. You can put an end to the passive viewer, adding questionnaires, surveys, etc. It easily integrates with Blog, eCommerce and other platforms.

This platform automatically recognises objects, text and people, and also creates interaction points in the video through links. It is free and limited to videos with a duration of 10 minutes.

do you want to make interactive videos that serve your company's purpose? Let's get to work!

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