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Automation tools for B2B companies

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Too many choices - that's what most companies face when it comes to selecting a marketing automation tool. Your B2B company deserves the best marketing and sales automation tools, and the best automation tools come in all shapes and sizes.

The marketing strategy for a B2B company tends to be a little different than that of B2C companies and presents its own unique challenges. Fortunately, there are a variety of great digital marketing tools that can help B2B companies achieve business success.

how do you decide which one is best for your business? Today we bring you a list of automation tools that will help position your company for success.

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what is automation for B2B companies?

A B2B marketing tool is any marketing software solution designed to assist B2B companies in their marketing efforts. The primary goal of these systems is to capture, qualify and nurture leads and customer profiles, align them with the right members of the sales team, and then follow through with sales and/or marketing-driven engagement to drive a closed deal.

General sales automation typically occurs within a customer relationship management (CRM) system or other specific business software. It refers to the automation of different data-driven processes such as segmentation, personalised and scaled email contact, proposal and accounting activities, and reporting.

Depending on the type of processes you want to automate, you can use other software tools, such as lead generation, invoicing, outreach software and others.

Sales workflow automation is the delegation of repetitive and mundane sales tasks to sales automation software. It saves time and helps sales reps and managers focus on more important tasks that cannot be automated, such as closing deals and building personal relationships.

what types of B2B automation tools are there?

The categories of B2B marketing automation tools out there are plentiful. From tools designed to help you attract more website visitors by optimising your site's SEO to email marketing tools and many more, there is no shortage of marketing tools available when it comes to B2B companies.

In this article, we will look at different categories of tools:

  • Team collaboration tools
  • Marketing automation tools
  • Lead generation tools
  • Content marketing tools
  • Email marketing tools
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO) tools
  • Social media marketing tools

In some cases, there are tools that do all of these features in their platforms, i.e. all-in-one automation tools.

Automation tools for B2B companies

  • HubSpot

HubSpot has been around for a long time and is one of the most popular and beneficial options on this list. With its wide range of automation tools - including email marketing automation, sales funnel template creation and execution, and customer service streamlining - it's an extremely powerful CRM platform that can help automate many aspects of the user journey while also tracking customer behaviour.

In Hubspot, you can easily create email workflows for your customers, contacts or leads. With Hubspot's visual editor, you can easily visualise these workflows in real time, whether you are creating simple follow-up campaigns or more complex campaigns.

Hubspot workflows can be used for different tasks - for example, you can create a workflow that triggers an internal notification to your team when a contact performs a specific action, or add a task to Salesforce when your sales team needs to follow up with certain contacts. The possibilities are endless.

One of the great things about HubSpot is its ability to integrate with some of the most popular platforms such as WordPress, Shopify or Magento.

  • MailChimp

MailChimp is one of the best platforms out there for automating complex emails and newsletters. Among all of MailChimp's features, its automation tool allows you to send messages to your customers based on who they are and how they relate to your company. This way, you can prioritize those who are most likely to convert or build loyalty.

Some of the most important tasks to automate include:

  • Shopper journey
  • Personality-based messaging
  • Transnational email
  • RSS to email

In addition, the system notifies you of the best time to contact a prospect and the best message to send based on data analysis.

  • Salesforce

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that provides all departments within an organisation, including marketing, sales, customer service and ecommerce, with a unified view of their customers on one integrated platform.

Thanks to its automation capabilities, your business can:

  • Get high quality leads
  • Create and target personalised emails
  • Accelerate the sales process
  • Keep track of the best leads
  • Calculate the return on your marketing investment
  • Asana

Asana is a project management tool that helps you integrate all of your business tasks in one place - from planning and tracking your campaigns to closing sales.

Its user interface streamlines project management while encouraging use and interaction between teams in your organisation, and it has useful features such as a task scheduler, automation of repetitive tasks, pre-built templates and reporting dashboards to see where your business stands.

  • Hootsuite

Hootsuite offers a powerful dashboard to manage all aspects of multiple social media accounts. With Hootsuite, you can count on tools and features such as a content calendar to schedule social media posts, social media marketing campaign optimisation tools, the ability to quickly respond to comments, messages and mentions on social media, and the ability to manage access to platforms without sharing passwords.

  • Eloqua

Eloqua marketing automation software, now part of Oracle's suite of products, handles everything B2B marketers need, including features designed to help with targeting and segmentation, campaign management, lead management and even creating better alignment between sales and marketing.

Make your team more efficient with a marketing automation tool

The B2B marketing software you choose should meet the needs of both your business and your team. With the tools mentioned above, you have plenty of options to choose exactly what's missing from your current package.

Plus, options like HubSpot allow you to integrate two platforms into one, so you can enjoy the best features of two tools in one place.

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