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Applications that apply artificial intelligence

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With the advent of new technologies, we are advancing at a dizzying pace. The flying car they dreamed of in Back to the Future is just around the corner. For example, with artificial intelligence, we have surpassed ourselves. Although we may find it hard to believe - or some may be frightened - it is time to take advantage of this progress.

Artificial intelligence is the discipline of computer science that attempts to develop, through computers, a replication of human intelligence and our cognitive processes. The technologies developed in artificial intelligence are multiple and diverse. Often, when a problem is solved with artificial intelligence, the solution is integrated into industry and the daily lives of computer users, but the common perception forgets the origin of this technology and it is no longer considered artificial intelligence. This phenomenon is called the AI effect. This effect is defined as a phenomenon that takes place when the outside world rejects the actions of an AI programme on the grounds that it is not intelligent.

Some of the activities or fields in which artificial intelligence can be developed are: computational linguistics; data processing; industry; medicine; virtual reality; natural language processing; robotic technology; control system; decision support systems; electronic games; dynamic systems analysis; crowd simulation; operating systems; or the automotive industry.

how does it apply to the world of digital marketing?

We know that digital marketing has to keep up with the latest trends and technological advances. With artificial intelligence, it is no less important. If the aim of artificial intelligence is to make our tasks easier, how can we not implement it in our marketing strategies?

Artificial intelligence can help us to speed up the processes of analysis, cleaning databases, gathering information, profiling our buyer personas, it can facilitate the sales process, in short, it takes care of the most routine tasks - such as information, reception procedures or documentation.

Another effect that is developing in this field is Machine Learning. Bots are increasingly used in applications, social networks or blogs. These bots are trained with precision to obtain better answers and results. With these applications of artificial intelligence in marketing, the process becomes easier and cheaper. The human capital takes care of the last part and the customer does not notice the difference.

In the coming years, artificial intelligence is expected to enable brands to make promises to their audience and respond emotionally to various situations that may arise. This technology will allow software to express the sentiment of customer interactions or interactions with customers and determine whether they are positive, negative or neutral.


Success stories with artificial intelligence

Let's see how this technology has been applied, some brands or applications that use it routinely and seem to work well.

  • Uberflip: For content marketing, personalised recommendations make visitors 60% more likely to consume more content than generic recommendations. This content marketing platform uses artificial intelligence to personalise content experiences and accelerate sales cycles. It makes it a tool to get to know each customer better and predict the types of content and topics that might interest them. This tool provides content recommendations in the right format at the right time for the right audience. These recommendations appear in places where potential customers are likely to look. Instead of showing typical "recent articles" or "trending articles", it suggests content that helps convert visitors into leads by providing their contact information and driving the process itself. This way, the conversion rate will be higher.

  • Salesforce Einstein: Customer relationship management tools are no slouch. Salesforce Service Cloud Einstein is an integrated set of technologies that, together with artificial intelligence, enable personalised and predictable experiences. It helps identify and prioritise leads and sales opportunities to maximise win rates. Resolve daily customer queries in real time via web or mobile messaging. Suggest appropriate communication channels to reach each type of customer, etc.

  • Concured: is an AI-powered strategic content platform that helps marketers and content creators know what to write to best resonate with their audience. Aiming to streamline the content creation process, it uses AI to discover and predict what will drive the most engagement with your target audience, what content will go viral and how to differentiate yourself from your core competitors. This saves time spent reviewing and planning content while increasing content generation rates. It is a smart way to personalise the experience for potential customers by showing them relevant content based on their interests. The software's AI-powered tools include iMeasure and iAudit. The former measures performance achieved and content ROI, while the latter provides a complete overview, including own and competitor results.

  • Grammarly: Using artificial intelligence algorithms, this application helps reduce the time required to view and correct large amounts of text. Grammarly software uses machine learning, deep-learning and NLP (natural language processing) to make text as readable and natural as possible. It checks the spelling of complex sentences, detects style problems and provides suggestions. It is also configured to understand the type of text being corrected (dissertation, report, dissertation) so it can provide a more accurate solution for the type of language used.

  • Cortex: is an artificial intelligence application focused on improving the visual appearance of news images and videos on social networks to generate more interaction and go viral. It uses data and information to automatically create images and videos that deliver better results. Questions such as what visual language to use, what the image should be, what type of images to post, what hashtags to use, what trends resonate most with the target. It is not only useful for getting a better idea of what to post, but also when and how often to post, and will instantly add the most effective photo or video to each post. It has integration with image banks and a native editor that allows you to add logos, apply filters or resize an image, among other features. It can also be used as a cross-platform tool to plan and publish all your social media posts in one place, but of course, it can also be used for other purposes.

  • NetBase Quid: is an artificial intelligence tool that tracks brand audience relevance in real time. The software analyses the interactions that brands create on various digital platforms and extracts data to gain a clear understanding of audience needs. This application saves time for marketing teams and provides insights to create targeted campaigns that address consumer needs. It is currently used by brands such as Tesla, Uber and Zara.

  • Conversica: one of the leading tools of conversational artificial intelligence. In short, it is personal online software that contacts, nurtures, vets and follows up on email leads until they become sales opportunities. Unlike conventional chatbots, Conversica uses natural language processing to interpret and respond to two-way conversations that more closely resemble real people.

In short, we are predicting more and more technological advances that seemed futuristic or unrealistic, but are becoming flesh and blood - never better said. Don't be left behind, without these changes, or apply these new technologies in your digital marketing strategies, as they will facilitate all processes. In addition, they promote an increase in return on investment, thanks to lower costs.

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