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Application design: usability and user experience

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It doesn't matter what your stress level is, how saturated you are at work or how high your mountain of tasks is. What really matters to your customers is the extent to which you are going to improve their lives. It's not a marathon where the first to arrive receives the merit of user loyalty, but to improve their experience. And to do that, you're going to have to innovate your strategy.

App design has become one of the biggest trends for companies in recent years, a revolution that is presented as part of their digital transformation. But how do I implement the design of my mobile app? How does it influence usability and user experience?

We invite you to join us to find out.

what are usability and user experience?

In the context of mobile applications, usability and user experience are two indicators of good performance. On the one hand, usability is the ease with which the user can use the application to achieve a specific goal, for example, making a purchase or finding out about a company's latest products through its mobile application.

Improvements in the quality of mobile applications have marked a before and after in the interaction of users with mobile devices. They are no longer simple tools for making calls or sending messages, but are real task management centres. However, not all Apps have been equally successful, and one of the reasons lies in the complex usability. Do you still not have an effective and efficient application? If a product is easy to use and allows us to reach an end, it is a product that has usability.

On the other hand, the user experience (UI/UX) is the set of factors related to the interaction of users with the application, which determines the success or failure of the application. It depends directly on usability, because if an application is usable, it will improve the user experience. In other words, the UX will make your App grow or die.

To generate a good experience, before designing our application we must study the profile of the potential customer, their needs, problems, objectives, how they expect to interact and their concerns. Only then will we be able to respond successfully and solve the problem efficiently.

10 heuristic rules of usability to create better mobile Apps

Next, let's discover the rules that every product or application must take into account to make its interaction with humans a success:

  1. Visibility of the state of the system. When we make an option in our App, the system informs us of what is happening and what its current state is. For example, when you go to fill in a form.
  2. Relation between the system and the real world. If we have an application that connects with the context that we already know, we are generating a better user experience. For example: a digital agenda is very similar to what an agenda looks like in the real world. In short, it is important to take into account that the user must be familiar with the product and that they have already used it previously. Only then will we be able to present them with an option that does not stray from what they already know.
  3. User freedom: When an application gives the user the opportunity to make a choice, they should have full control over it. For example, if they are uploading a file, they should know that they can save it, cancel the upload, delete it or edit it. It is important that they do not feel subjugated, but that they have control over what they do in the App.
  4. Consistency and coherence: This means that, when we design an application, each button must be related to a location, a shape, a size, a colour, etc. Only in this way, the user will be able to understand and link that button with a certain action. He will know where the CTA, the search bar or other options will be, which will make it easier for him to use the system and the possibilities of using it again.
  5. Error prevention: Our application design should be made thinking about the possible errors that the user may make, so that we can present different ways to solve them and so that it is not so easy to make a mistake.
  6. Quickly recognise functions. When we have a digital interface it is much easier to show icons than words. They will remember them easily and improve usability.
  7. Flexibility and efficiency. It gives the possibility to shortcut some functions when they learn to handle the application well. Users with a lot of experience in the application will be able to perform their functions in a much faster way.
  8. Minimalist app design and aesthetics, i.e. don't show the user more than they need. Present the basics on a single screen and don't bombard them with too much information.
  9. Help them to recognise and recover from mistakes. Imagine the user has deleted a file by mistake. You need to find ways to get them back to the original state, and to do this you can show them the possibility to verify actions before they are finally done. It will increase their confidence in the product and in the brand.
  10. Help and documentation: It may be the first time they are confronted with an application like yours, so they will need some kind of help, and you can provide technical support to facilitate the first approach. It all depends on the type of App.

develop your best approach and improve the user experience with your App!

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