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does a live chat help my sales funnel?

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A live chat is the current tool used by many companies to help their customers resolve their queries without the need to contact customer service.

Live chat is a part of the customer service department, but without the need to send an email or make a call.

Nowadays people often have busy lives and are looking for quick and efficient answers, live chats help with this, as the handling is simpler and does not require a lot of time.

Today we tell you how live chat helps your business and above all, your sales funnel, read on to find out more!

what is live chat?

Live chat is achat that is manual, meaning that a person is behind the scenes answering every user interaction. This tool uses software hosted on your website to allow users to have real conversations with your sales or customer service team. Live chat is usually located on the homepage, pricing page or product catalogue, so that it is visible on the specific pages where you know questions may arise .

It is a tool created to optimise communication between the customer and the seller, and although other methods such as email and phone calls are still used, this option is growing all the time because of the facilities it offers.


does live chat help your sales funnel?

The answer is a clear yes, live chat is a tool that strengthens your sales funnel, as it helps the customer to resolve their doubts before making a purchase.

Live chat helps you not only before the purchase, but also during and after the sale, and this tool will speed up the communication between your customers and your team.

But how can you use live chat in sales?

The first thing is to be clear that the objective of this tool is to help the customer quickly and efficiently, so the first thing this chat has to do is to answer the prospect's questions, to get them to continue in the process and move on to the next stages of the sales funnel.

Nowadays the competition in the market is very high, you never know if the user who comes to your company, brand, website, etc., will stay or finally go to another that suits them better. Therefore it is very important to make a difference, and customer treatment is a key factor. Treat the customer well before, during and after the sale, and they will reward you, either by buying again or by recommending you.

The features that a live chat should have are: - Short and simple messages:

  • short and simple messages. A lead enters the chat looking for a quick answer to their questions, they don't want to have a long conversation. If your answers are too long and complicated they will make your potential customer impatient.

  • be human, don't sound like a robot. Users are generally uncomfortable when the conversation is not natural and has a robotic tone. Use phrases like: "Hello, how are you?, "Good morning, I'm (name), how can I help you?", "Good question, let me check", etc.
    It's not about being informal, but having a friendly and approachable tone, just as you would have if it were a phone call.
    One element that adds that friendly tone to messages is the use of emojis, but don't go overboard, just a couple per conversation.
  • don't say no. That is, if the user asks you a question, your answer cannot be "I can't help you", as they will leave and never come back.
    what can you do in these cases? If you are unsure or unable to answer, ask more questions first, as you can gather more information and hopefully find an answer, or contact someone on your team who can answer the question.


Benefits of using live chat

Here are the main advantages of installing software to set up a live chat on your website:

  • it saves you time and increases the productivity of your employees.
  • it allows customers to get quick answers to their questions, without the need to send emails or make phone calls, so they do not waste time.
  • it offers a more human touch despite being a virtual tool.
  • it makes users become leads and increases the likelihood that they will move on to the next stages of the sales funnel.
  • it offers more security to customers when they buy, as it resolves their doubts quickly.
  • helps you collect customer information through CRM systems.

As you can see, having a live chat on your website will bring you clear benefits: buyers have their queries resolved immediately, sellers can transform those customers into leads and get them to make the final purchase.

In addition, with this tool you ensure good customer service, as this is one of the keys to a successful brand.

we hope you enjoyed reading this article!

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