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Tips to improve your search engine ranking

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When we talk about search engine optimisation we are referring to SEO positioning, and as you know, this technique has become almost an obsession for digital marketing experts and companies. And it is not for nothing, because it can generate a large volume of traffic and sales for a website.

Although you may think that SEO is an easy task, and apparently without costs, it is not, as it involves a lot of effort and time. In addition, there are no shortcuts and tricks to get faster results, you will have to work to get it. That's why today we bring you some tips to help you to increase your search engine positioning. Read on so you don't miss anything.

  1. know your users

It is essential that you know who you are targeting, because your products and content will be focused on a specific audience.

Find out what needs your potential customer wants to satisfy, what content they like, how they search for you, what they want to get from your brand, etc. Your whole strategy should focus on solving the questions and needs of your audience.

At this point you should create one or more buyer persona profiles, to know who and how is the ideal customer you want to reach.

  1. optimise your website or blog

Whether you have a website, a blog or both, it has to offer a good user experience, so you have to take care of aspects such as loading time, design, adapting to different devices, being intuitive, containing a clear CTA, etc.

User experience or UX is fundamental in SEO positioning. SEO focuses more on the content itself, if the content is very good but the website does not attract attention, the user will abandon it without paying attention to the content.

  1. choose the right keywords

If you work in SEO it is clear that doing keyword research is important. Using the wrong keywords will waste time and money.

Here you should do a keyword research, where you search and choose the keywords that best fit your content and sector. Remember that you can also go for long tail keywords , whose search volume is lower. It is important that you use the terms that users use to search on Google, since the keywords you use on your website must match their searches.


  1. friendly URLs

These should be descriptive, short and include the main keyword. Forget those long URLs, full of symbols and numbers, Google will not understand it and therefore, will ignore it.

  1. create quality content

Not only do you need to respond to users' searches, but you also need to offer them quality and relevant content. Google benefits those contents that are relevant, original and interesting.

Your content has to be well structured, contain the right keywords, links, both internal and external, and visual content. If you put all these elements together, the user will find in your content not only an answer to their search, but content that they are interested in reading and will therefore return.

  1. use social media

As you know, social networks have not stopped growing in recent years and therefore have millions of users. They are a perfect way to promote yourself and attract traffic to your website.

A large part of the traffic for many brands comes from applications such as Instagram or Tik tok. But they are not only used to promote your content or products, but also to establish a relationship with your subscribers and gain brand recognition.

They allow you to establish a relationship between the brand and the users, and it is a factor for positioning, because if they are happy with you, they will share you on their profiles.

  1. include image and video resources

Visual content is one of the most consumed on the internet, either through video platforms such as youtube or vimeo, or from social networks such as Instagram.

Videos and images rank well on their own in searches, because they allow a better understanding of the subject. They offer a more detailed and accurate explanation, not only serve as support for the text. In addition, Google rewards pages that use this resource.

Nowadays there are many free image banks that can help you find the perfect image, but if you can, use your own images, because after all, free images can be used by thousands of users.

It is important that you do not leave out the description of your images, infographics, videos, etc. The meta description is important, no more than three words, but it helps search engines find your visual content.

  1. do linkbuilding

Linkbuilding is a digital marketing strategy to improve SEO positioning by generating links on external domains. That is, it is a method that consists of creating relationships with other brands and websites in the same sector or with complementary themes and being linked to each other, which is known as backlinks. The main objective is to achieve popularity, increase the authority of your site and improve positioning.

Include links to other friendly websites, but also to content you already have, to generate traffic to your website. Also add links to your social networks.


Conclusion, with this small list of tips you can start to increase your search engine positioning by applying them to your website. Improve your SEO strategy little by little using these techniques.

At first search engine positioning may seem a complex task but with effort you will get results and it is an excellent technique to increase traffic to your website organically.

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