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10 tools to make your CV original

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Now we understand the magnitude and importance for a company to highlight its personal brand. This process starts with a selection of workers who fit the prospects that the company wants to demonstrate. A company can receive multiple applications and selecting staff is not an easy task. Recruitment can be decisive with a CV that meets the company's prospects.

what is a curriculum vitae?

A curriculum vitae is a summary of professional or academic life, a description of strengths, work experiences, activities, education and skills. It is a compulsory attachment when applying for a job. Its purpose is to provide information related to the selection process or an interview.

Although it is not longer than one page, it can give a lot of information about a person. In many cases, information that does not appear directly is much more meaningful. What we mean by this is the importance of reading between the lines - or rather, between the designs - in a CV. Presentation, aesthetics, design and originality are just as important as content.

A company can accept hundreds of CVs, so choosing between them is not an easy task. What should you do to attract attention with your CV? A CV is a personal identifier - a letter of introduction that should reflect all your qualities. It is not a question of throwing roses at yourself, you should be realistic. Transparency is a quality that companies value positively. Your objective is to attract attention, the best way is to be original.

how to be original with your CV?

In this post we will recommend tools to help you improve your CV and tips on essential content.

innovate! Those who select your CV are looking for something different and surprising. Think that they review millions of applications just like yours - and that in the end none of them is different from the other. Choose the best format that suits you, depending on the job you are applying for, they will have to adjust to one paradigm or another.

Research your profession, the level of seriousness or eccentricity: it is not the same to present a CV for a marketing agency, as a graphic designer, artist or for a law firm.

Don't make a CV with artistic and multicoloured fonts. The text needs to be readable. It should be visually appealing, with text preferably brief, but substantial - white space is an element that is associated with order and thoroughness. Design elements may appear, as long as they reflect skills or interests that relate to the candidate.

An original CV works very well for professionals such as designers, architects, advertisers, etc. It reflects a strong personality, and graphics can highlight certain types of information. However, an original design can be a disaster if it is impossible to decipher because of the design. Another mistake can be to sacrifice content for aesthetics - originality is important, but don't forget that it goes hand in hand with content.

Today, trends in CV design have developed, such as infographic or video CVs, career blogs and designer portfolio sites. After all, attention has become a scarce commodity, so formats and models are changing and evolving. Whatever template you choose, the crucial thing is to highlight your skills, achievements and unique personality with a CV - be it an infographic, video or traditional CV.

Here are some ideas to inspire you with original designs to rewrite your CV. Pinterest is another platform you can use for inspiration to design your template.

what are the best tools to design my CV?

  1. Resume it up: helps students and professionals to represent themselves. Their resume templates are concise. They allow you to edit cover letters, video resumes, PPT resumes, etc.

  2. their network of professional designers have made resumes for clients in various industries and fields. Plus, they have up to 5 rounds of free edits to make sure you get a resume you'll love. For small business owner clients they offer to use their unlimited graphic design service.

  3. Canva: this platform is very intuitive, offering over 1000 infographic templates and sections to create resumes. It is free to access, but offers premium tools .
  4. InDesign: If you are familiar with design tools and have a knack for them, a classic tool is Adobe InDesign. Simple and curious, you can use the professionally designed resume templates to take your professional brand to the next level.

  5. Wideo: an efficient tool for creating your video resume. Create animated videos in minutes without any design knowledge. Provides hundreds of templates. Offers a 7-day trial with its free version. The cheapest bread and butter is 17 euros per month.
  6. VideoScribe: allows you to create whiteboard animations. It is easy to create and requires no editing skills. It also offers a trial period, at the end of which the subscription is 13 euros per month .

  7. Creddle: completely free tool that allows you to customise your data and format using one of its various templates.

  8. Top CV: fully interactive and very easy to use tool to get a top-notch CV in minutes. It also has a variety of templates and you can upload your CV to their platform or download it as a PDF to send.

  9. Kukook: very easy to edit paid resumes that work well .

  10. LinkedIn: can export your CV in PDF format - not a tool like the previous options, but if you already have a CV, this is the easiest option.

All in all, try to be creative and innovative to make your CV stand out in some way. Be inspired by other users' templates and present the model that suits you best. Remember that content writing is also a way to add originality to your CV. From OCCAM we wish you luck and hope that our tips will help you to succeed with your CV!

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