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what is relationship marketing?

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Relationship marketing is a methodology focused on establishing, maintaining and consolidating relationships with customers, through the implementation of strategies focused on them. It is also known as relationship marketing and, in short, it refers to the set of actions that are carried out in a company, with the aim of establishing lasting relationships by focusing on customers.

Nowadays it is necessary to have a good relationship with the customer, it is a fundamental part for any company, because it is not only about winning them over and making them regular customers, but also converting them into defenders of your brand.

In a market as competitive as the one that exists today, you have to offer unique experiences to stand out from your competitors. The experience you make your customer feel will make the difference with other brands. But to do this, you must know your customer to be able to serve them in a more personalised way.

let's take a closer look at relationship marketing so that you don't have any doubts!

what is relationship marketing for and what are its objectives?

As we have told you in the previous section, the main objective is to win and retain customers to consolidate a lasting relationship. But to achieve this you have to know your customer very well. To know who your ideal customer is, you must create your buyer persona, to know what they are like, what tastes and interests they have, their needs, etc., and thus be able to offer them a good customer service. If you know your audience it will be easier to address them.

By giving them quality treatment and good customer service, you will create long-term relationships, so that your customer not only consumes your product or service, but also recommends your brand and becomes a fan of it, maintaining an ongoing relationship.

Relationship marketing is a strategy that serves to create a better relationship with your customers, but it will also generate more revenue for you. This is because your customer is a fan of your brand, so they will repeat in the future. In addition, they recommend you because they like you, which leads you to new potential customers.

Not only that, but by having a constant relationship with your customers, you receive feedback from them, which helps you to better understand their needs, learn from possible mistakes, and continuously implement solutions and improvements.


Advantages of relationship marketing

Relationship marketing puts the customer in focus in order to help them, create a long-term relationship and not just see them as a buyer. Here are the main benefits:

  • converting one-off visitors into customers. Relationship marketing starts as soon as the customer comes into contact with your brand. The first impression is the most important one, so it must be a good one in order to start interacting with them.
    That first contact with your company may be that they have followed you on Instagram or liked a post, and this is the time to create a brand image that will stick in their mind. Remember that capturing their attention and starting a relationship will help you go from visitor to customer.
  • turn customers into ambassadors of your brand. Once you have established that relationship and made the customer satisfied with your services, it is time to turn them into prescribers. Because there is nothing better for your business than a satisfied customer who promotes you.
    If the relationship is strong and your product is of high quality, the customer will have the confidence to recommend your brand, which means the possibility of gaining new customers.
  • multiply sales. By having greater confidence in your product or service, the customer trusts you, and is very likely to increase their purchases. The average annual ticket they make will be higher. It is therefore very important to create and maintain a conversation with the customer, which is also personalised and non-invasive.
  • reduce advertising costs. You save on advertising because these loyal customers will recommend you at no cost, and all because they trust your brand. Now with social networks, the recommendation of products and services is booming, take advantage of these tools.

On many occasions, as you will know because you are also a consumer, purchasing decisions are based on emotional factors. Thanks to the way you treat your customer, you can make a difference with your competitors.

Work on a good relationship marketing strategy to build a long-term relationship with your customers, so that they come back again and again, and become fans of your products.

Sales are very important in your marketing strategy, but customer service and quality of service are just as important. Take advantage of the benefits of applying this type of marketing in your business to grow and compete in today's marketplace.

now it's your turn! If you have been thinking for some time about how to improve communication and relationships with your customers, relationship marketing is the answer.

we hope you enjoyedthis post!

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