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Buzz marketing is a marketing technique known as "word of mouth", "word of mouth" or "word of mouth" that consists of generating a high degree of trust and satisfaction in consumers to get them to be the transmitters of the products or services of the business. Now we tell you the key points of this, its disadvantages and the most popular examples! Don't miss it!
The 6 key points in buzz marketing
To achieve viralisation of your product through word of mouth you must take into account the following points:
1) Communication: Your means of communication is the consumer, so you must focus your entire communication strategy on them.
2) Satisfaction: The degree of consumer satisfaction must be very high for the consumer to become an evangelist.
3) Superiority: Your product will be evangelised when it clearly surpasses the competition in something, usually the price or the quality of the product.
4) Viralisation: Buzz marketing is not incompatible with bloggers, influencers, endorsement or advertising in general. In fact, supporting your buzz marketing campaign with these techniques will help you to viralise your product much faster.
5) Internet: As a recommendation, focus more on the internet and online media (bloggers, social networks, online advertising...) to give that boost to your buzz marketing. Internet and viral marketing are so closely related that without an online strategy, viralisation will never come, and if it does, you will not have the strategy to control it and make the most of it.
6) Measurement: As in any other campaign, you should measure what is happening with your monitoring tools to know how your strategy is working, if you should change anything, what actions to promote, etcetera.
what are the disadvantages of buzz marketing?
The 4 main negative characteristics or disadvantages that define buzz marketing are:
-Lack of control in interpersonal communication.
-High investment in product and distribution.
-Difficulty in viralisation of the product.
-High dependence on the consumer.
Examples of buzz marketing
- Apple: The best existing example of buzz marketing is the Apple brand. They have done it very well since the Macintosh and, together with advertising, word of mouth has almost always been their greatest ally.
- Starbucks. Another example of Buzz Marketing is that of Starbucks. This company recognises that its main advertising is word of mouth, but this does not come alone, to achieve this it is necessary to make each product sold an experience, and this is something that the company can control. In the case of Starbucks we see that the customer's name is written on the cup along with a smiling face, the employees almost always attend you with a smile on their face, the product is generally of a higher quality than their competition, the place is very welcoming, it has comfortable places to sit and ambient music to relax, they have free wifi for customers, they reward customers with a loyalty card...
- “O Boticário”. En 2015, “O Boticário” lanzó una publicidad en el día de los enamorados que dio mucho de qué hablar. La publicidad mostraba parejas heterosexuales y homosexuales intercambiando regalos para celebrar la ocasión. Aprovechando el tabú relacionado a la homosexualidad en su país, “O Boticário” generó una enorme discusión sobre el tema. Como es tradicional del botón tabú, la sociedad se dividió en dos lados que “discutieron”, en internet y en las calles, sobre el asunto. La discusión terminó inclusive transformándose en una especie de competencia en el video oficial de la publicidad en YouTube. Quien era favorable a la campaña daba likes y quien era contrario daba dislikes. El resultado: más de 580.830 participaciones, con más del 66% de las personas apoyando la acción y 34% siendo contrario. La propia campaña de “O Boticário” terminó siendo premiada con el Grand Effie, la principal categoría del Effie Wards Brasil 2015. Y el público consumidor también p
- Disney. Years ago, Disney surprised the world by announcing the acquisition of Lucasfilm for $4 billion. For those who don't know, Lucasfilm is the name of the company created by George Lucas and holder of the rights to franchises such as Indiana Jones and Star Wars. On the occasion, the house of Mickey took the opportunity to announce a new Star Wars trilogy, with its first film, "Episode VII", opening in cinemas in 2015. This theme was able to generate a tremendous buzz on social networks. Activating three buttons at once (shock, extraordinary and unusual), Disney became the topic of the year on that occasion.