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what is a workflow?

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Workflow refers to the automation of work processes that are carried out within a company on a day-to-day basis, i.e. tasks are passed from one worker to another following a hierarchy and pre-established rules.

Nowadays, competition in the market is very high, so companies need to be productive in order to make a difference and gain a niche. To do this, different techniques and processes are carried out that can bring the productivity of your business to its highest point. Therefore, today we present you what Workflow is and what it can bring to your brand.

Types of Workflow

As we have mentioned, workflow is the automation of your company's tasks, following a previously established order and hierarchy. Its main purpose is to improve communication between all areas of your business, and by having this logical movement of tasks, the fulfilment of these tasks is guaranteed, and moreover, with greater efficiency and speed.

There are three types of workflow that will depend on the activity you are involved in and the type of tasks you want to organise. Here we share with you the existing ones:

  1. Ad Hoc Workflow: Here the rules can be created or modified during the work process, i.e., depending on the needs that arise within your company, the system of rules is modified. At this point the rules are not rigid.
  2. Production Workflow: In this workflow the rules are less flexible than the previous one, it is a more limited system. Here your company follows a pre-established direction, focusing on fixed actions that are already known to all employees. In this case, there is not much room for change.
  3. Administrative Workflow: This system is the intermediate between the other two. This method is usually applied to tasks that do not have a defined structure. It focuses on those that are predictable and repetitive by imposing rules that are easy to understand and accept.

how to create a Workflow for your company?

The method of creating a Workflow is simple. Here are the steps to follow so that you can implement this system in your company without complications:

  1. Define the objectives.

The first thing you have to do, as in any digital marketing strategy, is to define and establish the objective you want to achieve. Once you are clear about it, it is time to focus your strategies and tools to achieve your goal.

This is the basis to start with this workflow automation system, so make sure you are specific with your goal.

  1. Design

Now is the time to put into action how you are going to implement the workflow in your business. We recommend you to do it through an outline or drawing where the steps you are going to follow, the route and the possible variations are reflected. Having this visual support makes it easier to have a clear idea and also to present it in an easy way to your employees, so that the workflow is well defined for everyone.

It is important that you address all possible scenarios, that you are clear about all areas and processes, so that there are no cracks and the process can fail.

  1. Implement

In this phase it is time to test what was designed in the previous two steps. We recommend that you first test before implementing, for possible corrections. This way you will avoid mistakes that could damage and slow down the process.

Don't get frustrated, at the beginning it's all about trial and error, so it's good to test first.

  1. Measure the results.

What can't be measured can't be improved. You hear this phrase a lot in the world of digital marketing and it's no coincidence. There are a lot of tools that allow you to measure the actions you are carrying out and check if they are working or not.

This stage is purely analytical, and you can now evaluate performance using the most relevant metrics, provided you have defined your objectives well in the first phase.

Don't worry if the results are not what you expected, review the design phase, think about the possible failures and modify them. Then, implement it and measure the results again. Review, change and test as many times as you need until you find the ideal formula for your business.

Advantages of workflow for your company

Throughout this post we have told you what a workflow is and what types exist, now we show you the benefits of automating workflows for your brand.

  1. Better internal communication: by having all your employees clear about the objectives and implementing rules to follow, communication is more agile, simple and secure.
  2. More transparent work: Within your company, your employees will be clear about their responsibilities and the way to proceed, making it easier to check and follow the status of each process.
  3. increased productivity. By having the steps well defined, your workers focused on their responsibilities, the process becomes agile, which leads to increased productivity.
  4. Avoid mistakes: Following the steps and having clear workflows makes it less likely that serious mistakes will be made.
  5. Cost reduction: You eliminate unnecessary steps, improve communication and increase productivity, thus creating savings in time and human resources.

To summarise the concepts, a workflow is a system that aims to automate work processes within the work environment. Workflow is a perfect tool to keep your company growing in today's competitive market.

If you want your company to be innovative and up to date, you can make it possible by applying this automated workflow system, which will allow you to improve production, reduce errors, improve communication and save time.

we hope you enjoyed the reading and we encourage you to implement this system in your business to keep growing!

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