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what is a Push campaign?

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A push campaign is a digital marketing strategy that is based on finding or creating an unmet need in your customer to satisfy it with your product or service. Push strategies are also known as "impulse" or "push" because they try to get the product to reach customers through different channels pushing them to purchase.

This type of campaign is usually carried out when a new product is launched. The first thing is to find your customer's need in order to meet it. And through the different strategies and actions, your brand drives the customer to the purchase of the product or service.

Read on to learn more about this type of marketing strategy and don't miss out on the benefits it has for your business.

Main characteristics of the Push campaign

This marketing strategy is applied in markets where competition is very high and companies have to seek an advantage to stand out and be attractive to the customer. In these campaigns, the aim is to launch new products that satisfy a consumer need. This strategy is also common in temporary campaigns, such as Christmas, Black Friday or sales.

It is considered an aggressive marketing strategy because it aims to have a large reach. It usually seeks intermediaries to help this push, for example, using the media. Through the creation of large digital campaigns and advertisements, a large number of users are reached. At this point, the aim is to show the advantages of acquiring that product or service and create that need in the consumer.

Consumers are not the ones who actively search for your product, but it is your brand that presents it through promotion. This is not only done through advertising, but also by sending emails and even phone calls.

Other intermediaries if you have a large company are your distributors and retailers, and with the use of push campaigns you also push them to collaborate with the promotion.

Implementing a push campaign, like most marketing strategies, takes effort, but it has proven to be very effective in highly competitive markets.


But do you know the difference between a push and a pull strategy?

when you read what a push campaign is, the word pull also came to your mind, because these two marketing strategies are fundamental. They are usually explained together, so we will put them in context in case you are not clear about the difference.

The main one, which you should be very clear about, is that the push campaign brings the product to the consumer, while the pull strategy aims to attract the customer to the product or service. In short, they are the opposite.

The pull strategy, as we have mentioned, is based on attracting the customer to your brand, and this is done through the creation of quality content, offering them value. These strategies work very well with brands or products consolidated in the market, which do not need to "push" the consumer to buy, as the customer already knows and is interested in your company. It is a strategy of attraction.

Push campaigns, on the other hand, do look for that push to win over the consumer and get them to buy your product, which is why this strategy is generally used for new products with a high demand.

Benefits and disadvantages of push campaigns

The main advantage of this strategy is that it does not require too much preparation, but this does not mean that you do not have to have well-defined strategies on how to get the consumer's attention and interest in your brand, and it tends to achieve results quickly with a wide audience reach, which is why they are inexpensive campaigns.

Its most significant disadvantage is that it can be considered too intrusive, i.e. it can be annoying for the consumer, which is why, as we have mentioned, it is used at specific periods throughout the year, such as one-off campaigns.

Some examples of push strategies

We have mentioned the first one above, because it is very simple to understand, and they are television, radio and now also social media ads. These ads interrupt the public to show a product or publicise a brand.

The next example you probably know but didn't know it was a type of push campaign is telephone calls. Those calls you usually receive from insurance companies, electricity companies or telephone companies to receive offers belong to this type of marketing strategy. They "push" the customer to buy that exclusive and temporary offer before it runs out.

Promoting yourself at trade fairs or congresses is another way of doing push campaigns. At these events you can offer important discounts, exclusive offers and unique opportunities that will not be available outside, thus leading the consumer to buy your product or service.

These are just a few examples of push campaigns, but like all marketing strategies they can be applied to different industries and sectors.

In short, a push campaign seeks to bring the product to the consumer through promotion. To carry out this process, it usually makes use of intermediaries to help launch the product or service. And finally, its main action is to identify the need that consumers have in order to satisfy it with your brand.

We hope you have understood what push campaigns are all about and we hope you will come back to read more posts about marketing!

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