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Tips for your LinkedIn campaigns

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Before knowing the most favourable strategies and the best tips for your LinkedIn campaigns, it is important that you take into account what exactly this social network is, because this platform was really born to put professionals and companies in contact with each other.

Nowadays, LinkedIn belongs to Microsoft and is one of the most used in the world. It is used to create relationships and interact with professionals, although many people also use it simply as a job search tool. Therefore, there are two types of profiles on LinkedIn, professional and business, and the secret is to combine both to get the most benefits for your business.

Top tips for your LinkedIn campaigns

  • Keep your profile updated. Your company profile will be the digital showcase of your business, so you must show all the products and services you are going to offer to users. If you want to get new customers or connect with influential people in your sector it is essential to have an optimal and quality profile. Remember that it is the first thing the audience will see when they click on the name of your business. Therefore, you must also include a good and brief description in which it is clear who you are, what you do and what you offer.
  • Promote your company through text ads. Text ads are the most basic option to start advertising your company on LinkedIn. The main elements are the image, the title and the description; from there, you can choose between several formats. Text ads can appear in different places on LinkedIn, for example, at the top of the page or in the right column. To attract the attention of your audience and get conversions, it is essential to use clear and direct language, choose an attractive image and optimise the headline as much as possible
  • Connect with your audience. This tip goes hand in hand with the previous one, as you must reach the audience you want to offer your products and services to. LinkedIn pages offer the possibility of recommending and sharing content as a company and therefore you must create useful, quality and eye-catching information to capture the audience you want to connect with. But also, keep in mind that it is not just publishing content and that's it, you must interact with the user through mentions, responding to comments, thanking them, etc.
  • Get a good positioning insearch engines. You must always keep in mind that keywords are essential for a good positioning of your brand. For this reason they must be included in your LinkedIn profile to appear at the top of the list of results.

Tips para tus campañas LinkedIn
  • Analyse your performance. On LinkedIn you can get information about the performance of your page, so you can see how your website is doing and what you can do to improve it.
  • Remember to clean up your network. It is not a social network to create new friendships, so people who do not contribute anything should be deleted, that is, delete all those inactive people who have nothing to do with your sector or with whom you do not see a possible future collaboration. You have to take into account which people you want to see and which people you want to see your content, so you should pay special attention to the people you connect with.
  • Use images and videos: Audiovisual elements are key to make your profile much more attractive, and visual communication is very important in digital marketing.
  • Be transparent: in everything you publish it is important that you show yourself as you are: what are your values, your strengths, the members of your team, your day-to-day life..

  • Post frequently. Frequency is another key tip. There is no point in posting content one day and then not posting again for another three weeks. We must be consistent in what we post on LinkedIn.
  • Send sponsored InMail messages. InMail messages work like LinkedIn's private email. This advertising option allows you to send messages to targeted users through LinkedIn's email client. Also, a very interesting feature of sponsored InMail messages is that users only receive them if they are active on LinkedIn, which increases the chances of success. To make them work, try to personalise the message as much as possible, be concise and make the call to action very clear.
  • Segment your audience: When you are going to publish something important, segment the audience to whom you want to send that information. Don't forget that we want to reach the people we know will be willing to consume the majority of our products and services.
  • Use hashtags. Hashtags can generate new audiences for your profile. When a person does a search and a hashtag that you have entered in your publication appears, your publications will also appear with it.

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