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The role of artificial intelligence in the Back Office

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Artificial intelligence (AI) first entered society around 1956, when John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon invented the concept at the Dartmouth Conference. Now, more than sixty years later, artificial intelligence has evolved into unimaginable fields such as logistics, education, transport, military and healthcare.

Artificial intelligence is no longer just part of technology, but also part of business. Moreover, it is said that by 2020 there will be important applications of AI in society, which already guarantees the symbiosis 'humans + technology' and improved results in companies. In this post we are going to show you the role of artificial intelligence in the Back Office.

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The impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Back Office

Despite the fact that the back office is the place in the company from which we can benefit the most from technology, many businesses continue to focus on the front office. This situation leads to processes that can no longer be improved (receiving customers, listening to them, etc.). Meanwhile, the back office can introduce improvements through process automation, data integration, intelligent planning, etc.

Thanks to the application of AI in the back office, companies can execute in a fully predictive way, even anticipating needs; allocate resources to the right tasks; execute in real time; etc.

The impact of artificial intelligence in the back office has become a fundamental action for companies, so much so that it is already on its way to becoming one of the most important technologies in society. As some experts say, "what the steam engine did for physical tasks, AI will do for cognitive tasks".

In short, it is a breakthrough in the way intelligent software and machines are created where algorithms do not even need to be explicitly programmed.

Artificial intelligence, the great expectation of companies

AI is one of those elements that companies are now looking at more closely for one reason only: it is the great expectation of their future. Today, many processes are still manual, such as invoice processing, human resources management and finance. The automation of these tasks puts an end to routine tasks, such as reviewing processes, using different applications, phone calls, printouts, approval of a task by different departments, and so on.

If you have to deal with these tasks every day, you may want to start thinking about Artificial Intelligence to automate them and accomplish all these tasks in the shortest possible time. Some call it 'the swivel chair symptom'.

AI is bursting into offices in all types of businesses, especially those where too many business operations are performed and more agility and precision is needed. So much so, that technology research firm Gartner "predicts that 70% of organisations will integrate artificial intelligence to help employee productivity by 2021".

With a year to go, AI is increasingly making its way into the workplace, with the same company, in the words of Helen Poitevin, noting that "digital workplace leaders will proactively implement AI-based technologies such as virtual assistants or other conversational agents and NLP-based bots to support and augment tasks and employee productivity."

Benefits of applying AI in the back office

One of the areas where artificial intelligence is having the greatest impact is in the back office, where companies are reaping the following benefits:

  • They reduce the time they spend on their tasks.
  • They complement each activity while increasing agility and precision.
  • They achieve process automation.
  • Costs and inefficiencies associated with manual work are reduced.
  • Increases the quality and productivity of work.
  • Simplify and reduce resource and accounting operations.
  • Results are improved exponentially.

Although artificial intelligence and machine learning are taking offices by storm, there is still a need for the human factor to drive the technologies and identify what we need from them in the company.

On the other hand, many companies are still far from being intelligent, which is why they generate numerous inefficiencies in their day-to-day operations. At Occam, we are convinced that these factors have an impact on the image projected to the outside world. We know that this is not the best scenario for a company, but the problem should serve as an impetus to implement emerging technologies and make the most of them.

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Recapping AI and the Back Office

We live in a society shaken by continuous technological progress, haste, and even stress. And that, could not end in anything other than 'giving in'. That is, facing change to introduce improvements in the internal processes carried out by companies, such as invoicing or finance. This dizzying process of convergence of values is led by Artificial Intelligence and its presence in the Back Office.

However, it is not the only field where it is making its presence felt, as 2020 promises new changes in human activity foreseen for manufacturing, the automotive industry, medicine, etc. Everyday business activities, such as pattern recognition, are being incorporated into different solutions and processes on a daily basis.

In short: the Back Office is transforming. Are you taking care of the AI opportunity in your internal processes?

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