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Inbound Marketing in today's online shops

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do you remember the first time you heard about this concept? There is still a very high number of companies that have not heard of Inbound Marketing. Others, however, believe that it is a simple methodology. The most conformist believe that it is something similar to traditional marketing. Just another way of selling. At Envisage & Grow we want to emphasize that this is not so. Inbound Marketing is much more than that, and you need to know it.

are you aware of the amount of things you could achieve with its implementation? Do you think it is a question to be considered only in big companies?

If you want to keep growing, and if you are willing to get the most out of your online shop, then let us tell you that you can also benefit from this methodology. How? We'll tell you.

An increasingly Inbound world

This is the reality. We are all living it. About 15 years ago, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah noticed a problem. They are the founders of the company HubSpot. The former discovered that the success of the latter's blog (OnStartups) was closely related to the way he explained things. Naturalness and closeness had a lot to do with it.

People quickly identified with what they read. They empathised with the explanations and felt the need to go deeper into the blog. So much so, that they soon felt the call to invest time in this website. They looked for ways to become more efficient in their day-to-day work, something that started to be felt given the lack of agility, the integration of data and the difficulties in gaining intelligence from these techniques.

Dharmes programmed an interface that allowed him to access all these tools, as if they were a single programme," explains the InboundCycle portal, which is how the Inbound methodology was born and, with it, a revolutionary phenomenon that has been spreading to companies all over the world.

This growth has been seen in the latest State of Inbound report published by HubSpot, which reflects the main objectives pursued by Inbound professionals in their companies or industries.

do you also want to keep growing?

The priorities of online shops

Every online business wants to increase organic traffic to its website, but very few use non-intrusive techniques to achieve this. Perhaps what is needed is for those who run these sites to become aware of the situation, as Dharmesh and Brian did in their time. We asked ourselves what the priority objectives of these businesses are, and it seems that the sales team is opting for closing more business first, and investing in sales training as a last option.

However, to achieve this, they face numerous challenges in their path, such as getting a response from prospects or interacting with decision-makers. Closing business, understood as a challenge, would be in third position.

To achieve these objectives and overcome the challenges mentioned above, it is necessary to understand what the buyer's journey is all about. Don't forget it.

A time-consuming task

This is the state of Inbound Marketing today. Online shops are working every day to overcome these challenges and achieve their goals. We know that implementing an Inbound Marketing strategy requires a significant thought process, and that finally opting for this methodology is not an easy task, as technical aspects such as blog management, SEO, videos, webinars, articles, infographics, landing pages, etc. come into play.

The truth is that agencies specialised in Inbound Marketing can do it for you, and we are here to prove it to you.

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