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The importance of good web design for your online shop

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how much importance are you giving to the look and feel of your website? Do you know how many websites exist on the internet?

More than 20 years ago, the first website in history was created, made possible by Tim Berners Lee, but few could have imagined the revolutionary universe that would follow. So much has happened since then!

In barely a decade, the world "has gone from having 92 million websites on the Internet to more than 1 billion", as the Rananegra blog explains. Imagine that each site has a certain number of potential users. How many people would we be talking about?

Far from establishing numerical values on the human ingredient, we want to emphasise the appearance of these sites. How much importance do users give to the design of the pages they visit? Does it influence the decisions they make about online brands?

Let's find out.

why is it important to have a good web design in your online shop?

In the deep eagerness of companies to improve more and more we find the link of design. It is clear that information architecture occupies one of the most important places in online brands, but it is not the only one. Design is fundamental, and we want to tell you why:

  • It's the first thing your visitors see through their eyes. When you land on a brand's website, directly or indirectly, you are faced with its design. You may not stop to analyse it in every case, but its influence on your consideration will be unavoidable.
  • It influences the drive for sales. Whether you stay on a website or not is your decision alone, but the reasons can have many different causes, not least of which is the look of the site. It is very important when it comes to more or less sales, as an attractive design increases interest in buying a product or service.
  • The generation of greater confidence in the users who visit you. The design must be in line with the philosophy and culture of the brand. Visitors will scrutinise every detail. To get them to trust your brand, it is essential that the design is parallel to what you offer.
  • Web design providesa personality that is necessary today and allows people to identify brands immediately.
  • Did you know that the permanence or abandonment of a website depends toa great extent on the design you use? There is no exact formula for its quality, but the influence it has on the behaviour of users is undeniable.
  • Design speaks for you. Colours, structure and space transmit much more than you think. Dozens of values and sensations arise as a consequence of a good web appearance, as well as reflecting the professionalism of those behind it.
  • People can judge the quality of your brand by the look and feel of the website. That's right. Your brand may have the products and/or services that the audience is looking for, but what's the point of having them if you don't show them clearly?

don't keep it inside.

Designing a new world

The Internet has brought with it an open window to a world of innovation. A couple of years ago nobody could imagine working in web design or in other jobs related to the Internet world. But something has changed. Design has become an essential professional scenario in companies, especially in the world of digital marketing. We are no longer surprised by the awakening of professional careers focused on the Internet world, such as degrees in Multimedia, Computer Engineering, Graphic Design, Web Design, Video Game Development, Digital Marketing, SEO, etc.

This phenomenon is not a coincidence. On the contrary, it is a reflection of the change in the behaviour of companies and people. You know, Inbound Marketing arrived around 15 years ago as a consequence of consumer behaviour. Websites and the search for any answer on them became increasingly important. Therefore, many brands began to include this methodology in their processes, but they did it from the creation of valuable content, social network profiles, etc.

Now, the appearance of these sites has become a focus of attention. It is not enough to have a website, but it is necessary to have a careful, clear and responsive design, and you can only get that from the hand of specialised professionals.

are you betting on a professional and well positioned website?

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