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Street marketing an ally to grow in RRSS

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If you are a consumer of social networks such as Twitter, it is inevitable that you have not come across the latest street marketing campaigns that have flooded the networks with controversy. Among them, the most talked about have been those of Vicio and Atresmedia's latest coup.

It is clear that when a campaign of this style attracts attention, the networks are full of users commenting on it, criticising it, etc. Thanks to this, these campaigns achieve even greater visibility.

what is street marketing?

Let us recall what street marketing is all about, as it is a set of technologies deployed on public streets that provide an attractive visual impression and user experience over a period of time. It facilitates interaction with passers-by, allowing them to develop an emotional connection with the brand and feel part of the brand. Such tactics are likely to attract the attention of the public and therefore spread through social networks, moving from a local movement to a general movement.

it is worth noting that this concept is closely related to two other strategies that should not be confused. One is guerrilla marketing, a commitment to creative and unconventional activity that does not necessarily have to be done on the street. In this way, street marketing can be considered an aspect of guerrilla marketing. Another is environmental marketing. Again, it is not exclusive to the street, but can be confusing when you are in that environment. The difference is that street marketing changes the space or adds new elements, whereas environmental marketing uses the layout of the environment to convey a message in a more subtle way. Read more about street marketing on our blog.

The campaigns we have outlined above fall into the category of guerrilla marketing. Guerrilla marketing aims to keep your memory in the minds of consumers. It differs from other marketing strategies in that it seeks to achieve this through innovative actions with the ability to spread. It also involves very little investment money, making it a very good strategy for smaller companies that can't afford to invest heavily.

On the other hand, just as it does not require a large investment of money, it does require an investment of ingenuity and creativity. Capturing and attracting people's attention is not easy, it requires a lot of work and very good ideas, but it is worth it in the long run.

Examples of this are these campaigns carried out by Atresmedia and Ganas de Vicio, although it should be noted that there are many other examples of street marketing that have proved to be a great success.

Great examples of street marketing

Ganas de Vicio campaign:

The hamburger chain from Barcelona in September 2022, started a campaign together with the model Jessica Goicochea, to promote their chain and announce the opening of the new location in Madrid.

This campaign caused a great stir in the Community of Madrid, as well as setting the social networks on fire by applauding the strategy, in which there is clearly a wink to one of its competitors: the Goiko Grill hamburger chain.

Through this play on words and a large banner placed in the centre of Madrid, a banner that has set a trend and a great attack on its competitors. An Instagram post that has accumulated 33,000 likes and 120,000 followers.

Atresmedia campaign :

The Atresmedia group has launched a communication campaign welcoming all those who are now discovering television.

With a banner measuring 13 metres high by 32.7 metres wide, 425.1 square metres of canvas preside over the central Pedro Zerolo square in Madrid, in one of those campaigns whose promotion is self-promotional.

Without explicitly mentioning any of its competitors, the objectives of the campaign are clearly marked with typographies reminiscent of Netflix, Amazon, HBO Max and Disney+. This street marketing appears after the announcement in the US of Netflix's Basic with Ads plan, which involves a cheaper fee for the user but introduces advertising.

It has not stopped being commented on in all the social networks, such as Twitter or Linkedin. The users of the networks are on fire for the bravery of the television channel in standing up to its competitors.

Xiaomi campaign:

The technology company in the middle of Barcelona's Diagonal Mar shopping centre has placed another example of street marketing, which is ringing with a stir.

With this campaign they have managed to promote the new terminal 12T Pro. In this innovative LED structure you can see the advertising content of different tourist and cultural destinations supported by different characters: musicians like the models Nieves Alvarez, Amaral, Dvicio or Rozalén, chefs like Jesús Sánchez or Paco Roncero and Boa, and other artists Mistura.

Uber campaign:

Uber is making a new claim, a natural evolution of its strategic positioning that is based more on improvisation. Uber wants to be the benchmark for local leisure, connecting with Madrileños as an expert in the city and inviting its users to improvise on a day-to-day basis, whether after a meeting, a "quiet" evening or a dinner with friends.

They have placed large banners in the centre of Madrid or digital screens in Callao, WiZink Center, Gran Vía or entertainment venues. In return, they have taken steps to close entertainment venues and suggest the next destination for the whole city. We must stress that they have echoed this campaign also on TikTok.

Netflix and HBO campaigns:

We can't forget the great experts in setting up street marketing campaigns and causing a stir on social networks. They are the kings of digital and entertainment platforms, but we should also consider them kings in advertising campaigns that are a hit.

The success of HBO's campaign for Dragon House is one of the most recent examples, but we remember the impressive campaigns for the Game of Thrones series, which also advertised Vodafone.

who doesn't remember the iconic Netflix campaign: Oh White Christmas? The American streaming platform's campaign for the Narcos series was a boom among Spaniards.


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