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Resources for an effective Inbound Marketing strategy

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did you know that you can multiply the number of qualified leads, or sales opportunities, of your company in just one year, are you wondering how to do it? The answer lies in the technology and the necessary resources of the Inbound methodology.

To remember: the most revolutionary Inbound

You've probably come across several preachers who cater to the new ways of digital marketing. You may have even considered immersing yourself in the changes in the way people buy. What for? Possibly to understand why the ways of selling have been transformed. If so, you're in luck, because it means you've become aware of the change. And that's the first step to growth.

as a reminder, I would like to refer to Inbound Marketing from a meaningful point of view. This two-part concept deals with the use of various non-intrusive techniques that help companies achieve three main objectives:

  • Increase the number of visitors to the website.
  • To convert these visitors or strangers into sales opportunities.
  • Create long-term relationships.

Outbound Marketing vs. Inbound MarketingInbound Marketing has made it possible to abandon the Outbound Marketing that we have been used to for so many years. We say goodbye to intrusion and welcome attraction. We are all looking for solutions to our problems, so, as you may have noticed, and as Joe Pulizzi explains: "people don't want to be sold, what people want is news and information about the things that matter to them". The rest can wait.

Content doesn't win. Optimised content does.

Essential resources in an Inbound strategy

Taking risks has become as worrying as it is necessary for companies, especially given the digital landscape in which they are beginning to develop. The Internet and new communication technologies have transformed the needs of our customers, leading to a change in business models and business structures.

Inbound Marketing plays a fundamental role in this sense, and it is the first step to start attracting potential customers. Precisely for this reason, we have considered it necessary to tell you about some of the most essential resources that companies need to carry out an effective Inbound Marketing strategy. They are the hallmark of those who have already taken the big leap. We will tell you about them below:

  1. Investing. The start of every project invites us to reorganise our lives. Moving money around to make money is as real as it is necessary. However, before jumping into the fray, we have to consider a few possibilities. Two out of a million, perhaps. Inbound Marketing requires investment, financially speaking, but there is a much more necessary asset on which to rely: investment of time and trust.

    From here, everything else follows.
  1. Specialised Agency: It is not the same to go to a Marketing Agency as to an Inbound Marketing Agency, as you must bear in mind that specialisation makes us different and opens up a world of new opportunities. These work spaces must have the capacity to decide on facts and strategy.

    Within the Agency it is important to have a Content Manager or copywriter, as he/she will be the voice of everything that is written and reviewed. He/she must know the target market niche, Inbound Marketing techniques, the different stages of the Buyer Journey and the general principles of writing. It is important that he/she carries out the creation of eBooks, guides, blog stories, and other types of material.

    Creative people, technologists and developers are also three vital pillars in the promotion of the Inbound Marketing campaign, as they will be responsible for managing the material and the different aspects of the website. So, you should bet on the presence of these and other professionals in agencies, such as Social Media experts, SEO technicians, analytical specialists and financial managers.

    Do you think it is necessary to include some other type of professional? Do not hesitate to tell us about it.
  1. A company willing to put itself in the hands of professionals. Without awareness there is no change, as we told you before. The first step to bet on the Inbound methodology is to firmly believe in its necessity and in the confidence to achieve it. However, we know that finding the perfect Inbound Marketing Agency for your business is not an easy task.

So how does the strategy work?

It revolves around five basic pillars, five essential parts of any Inbound Marketing strategy that you should be aware of in your company:

  • Attracting qualified traffic. Through techniques such as Content Marketing, SEO or Social Networks, the user is driven to your website, an essential first step to boost your strategy.
  • Conversion: The user finds content of interest and leaves you their details, through a form, to continue receiving information. Your company begins to shape a database nourished by different contacts.
  • Automated marketing: Techniques such as lead nurturing or lead scoring, typical of the Inbound strategy, allow you to deliver relevant information to the user according to their needs automatically and always taking into account their response.
  • Loyalty: Inbound Marketing also allows you to work on the post-sales phase and achieve not only clients but also true promoters of your brand.
  • Analysis: The Inbound methodology allows you to measure the success of your actions, so that you can improve the results of your strategy day by day. A perfect tool to achieve this is the ROI or Return on Investment.

It's your moment, it's time to walk.

¡Mejora ahora con una estrategia de Inbound Marketing a tu medida!

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