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Inbound vs Outbound marketing: how to switch from one to the other with HubSpot

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Now that brands were beginning to get the hang of billboards, flyers, promotions, newspaper and TV ads, things are changing. Consumers are changing the way they search for information.

User behaviour sets trends, and if they change, so do brands. Otherwise, something will go wrong. Otherwise, customers will need something that you are not offering them. They will look for you in a place where you don't exist. And they will never find you.

Inbound vs Outbound Marketing: a duel of two very different realities.


Moving from Outbound to Inbound

To cross the barrier between the traditional and the modern, you only need to stop and think about this for a moment:

what processes can I streamline? How am I going to integrate all the marketing actions so that they make sense with the rest of the strategy? What am I doing to attract customers to my website? Do I have a presence on social networks? How much content do I publish on my blog per week?

We could go on asking questions, but we want to STOP to explain why around 75% of companies have already taken the step towards the Inbound methodology.

The main reason lies in the awareness of brands about the new behaviour of the consumer. He has evolved. He is looking for solutions to his problems and resolution to his doubts, in the wide range of internet. Therefore, this is where brands must work their presence through: content marketing, social networks, email marketing, etc. Let us tell you 2 things that reflect the step from Otbound to Inbound:

  1. The objective is no longer the sale, but the customer. Traditional marketing focuses on selling, while the new methodology is based on a funnel that guides the user little by little and makes them turn. Customers are at the centre.
  2. Aggressive and shocking methods do not attract, they scare. We must not intrude into the lives of consumers, but attract them through the creation of valuable content.

Don't get us wrong, it's not about abandoning all the traditional techniques you've been using until now. You can perfectly combine your blog with some advertising on social networks.

how to take the plunge with HubSpot?

As more and more consumers use the internet, digital marketing is evolving faster and faster: "In a responsive medium like this, traditional marketing models are losing effectiveness and power", and meanwhile, "new strategies are taking flight that deliver value to users", as HubSpot makes clear.

Taking the step of Outbound vs Inbound Marketing implies a 360-degree turn in the way we work. The world is tired of intrusive models, of suddenly finding ads that don't fit in and don't fit in. And it is starting to take an interest in those things that really provide useful value.

HubSpot' s CRM has become the ideal tool to start working on your company's marketing from a different point of view. Creating valuable content on your blog, sharing it on social networks and measuring every action. It is perfect for applying the Inbound methodology in all its senses:

  • With an interactive and bilateral communication.
  • With natural attraction that allows you to increase brand visibility.
  • With valuable content that educates and entertains.

why not start by consulting with those who have already taken the step? At Occam Digital Agency we like to grow with our clients. We solve all your doubts when you need it.

The answer to consumer behaviour

The decline of Outbound Marketing is happening in response to customer behaviour. The control of the information they read is no longer just a matter for companies, as it was 20 years ago. Now, in the Inbound era, it is the customer who controls what information they receive, how they receive it and if they want to receive it.

Brands start with the advantage of knowing that whoever comes to them is because they have a real interest, and even if many visitors do not become customers, at least they know that the brand exists, and they can look for it at another time or recommend it to someone who needs their products or services.

Inbound gets into customers' lives through useful content, social media presence, consistency and measured effort. Outbound doesn't. They earn their way into the customer's life by forcing their way in. Begging, sneaking and interrupting. Companies already using their CRM have seen significant improvements in sales conversion rates of over 300%.

do you think that's a fluke?

The Outbound Landing

While Inbound is taking off, Outbound is landing. The former is still a journey with empty seats that is gradually being filled, year after year, as the Outbound passengers are getting off the plane. Many brands come and go, not quite knowing which way to turn, but what is clear is that online marketing is gaining more and more momentum.

what kind of life awaits companies that don't have an online presence? 2018 was a great year for Spanish startups, which grew by 20%. These companies leverage the use of ICT with scalable businesses to grow quickly. So it wouldn't be surprising to see more and more startups born with the Inbound methodology.

do you want to grow fast and agile?

9 OCCAM-TIPS to move from Inbound to Outbound

Now that we've reached the end of this post, we want to congratulate you on getting this far. Just one last thing before you start doing your homework:

  1. Ask us any questions you may have, no matter how small.
  2. Educate your customers with valuable content and be clear where they are - TOFU? MOFU? BOFU?
  3. Gain the trust and interest of your customers, but never do it by force.
  4. Have digital tools to measure your results and the performance of your actions - drive the strategy!
  5. Listen to the user, interact and make them feel part of the process.
  6. Check if they are a qualified audience.
  7. Use digital media, leave big budgets aside and look for the creativity you have inside you.
  8. Don't be afraid to show your great added value.
  9. Don't try to sell, try to inform and entertain.

what's the best advertising? A satisfied customer is the hero of your story.

¡Te ayudamos con tu integración con HubSpot!

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